Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb base] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I write that on the calendar card in big letters .
2 Old Hall yes , yes , yes , yeah and so I think and of course erm I have talked erm I talk in the different clubs you know , as I say , and I think erm the majority of women usually like this , they look forward to the divi to buy say a major item , you know .
3 And so I suspect that in the writer 's moments of private candour , he probably admits the pointlessness of describing eyes .
4 So you think that as a general rule , museums should not sell works of art ?
5 So we hope that in this last mile that we 're now
6 So we recite that at the er er assembly .
7 The Bookkeeper version , which logs customer details — what they buy , when they buy , how much they owe and for how long , creates VAT returns and sales and overheads breakdowns is available from Sage for £150 .
8 Incidentally , in this area , it is Darwin who is derivative of the moral philosophers and not as is commonly supposed , largely I think because of the work of Spencer , the other way around .
9 Thus I claim that for decades we have attempted to change the nature of the art in order to meet the requirements of child-centred education — and have felt guilty because it does not work .
10 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
11 Thus we see that in the narrow sense of the term ‘ elite ’ , as used by Mosca , group consciousness entailing a sharing of attitudes towards relevant issues , and an awareness of so doing , is a necessary characteristic of the elite .
12 Oh you ca n't have two weeks at once you know but over there you got ta get rid of your holidays before December , you got ta get rid of them otherwise you lose them .
13 Before proceeding further we note that in P1/LP5 we have , i .
14 The first problem arises once we admit that in order for a ‘ system ’ ( I shall use this neutral term ) to think , its thoughts must have reference : that is to say , they must refer to things regarded by the system as existing and enduring independently of itself .
15 Of course , the apparent paradox vanishes once we realize that in advanced industrial economies superego controls on behaviour may not be optional if public order , production and economic surpluses are to be defended , and that if these controls can not be procured internally they will be externalized in the organs of the police state .
16 Rather we suppose that in both accounts and in actions , the same knowledge of what is socially potent and proper is revealed .
17 Also I think that in criteria nine , that reference should be made to unacceptable coalescence being avoided .
18 For fairly obvious reasons , mostly no doubt connected with the spectre of Zhdanov and Socialist Realism ( but also I suspect because of a more subterranean philosophical linkage between Callinicos ' endorsement of Althusser 's ‘ complex totality ’ against Lukács ' ‘ expressive totality ’ and the political voluntarism which it informed in the early twenties ) , Callinicos has to answer : No .
19 ‘ As I have said repeatedly I believe that in a one-off Test you must give the visiting side a 50–50 chance , even us after our isolation .
20 Most anthropologists would prefer to look elsewhere , partly I suspect because of the way the biological arguments have been overstated .
21 The fact is now I mean where like two years ago she was taking two and three exams at a time .
22 Now I hope that by tomorrow afternoon you 're able to say yes all those objectives have been met but it may well be and I 'm sure it is that you as individuals have other objectives , you have other issues that you want to address er or put more emphasis on during these two days .
23 Now I assume that in America as in England , if you have children you then get some financial help .
24 Now I find that in entertaining three people I can not quite devote as much time to the two ladies as I would like to , perhaps you could assist me . "
25 Now I believe that in the case of some of our small primary schools , and you have to build into the formula an element of subsidy , it is the size that subsidy which is open to debate .
26 Now I agree that in promising to maintain herself whilst she was in desertion , the wife was only promising to do that which she was already bound to do .
27 Now I offer that as a little illustration of the difficulties of saying that there are deep national dispositions between one nation and another , which exist inside in some sort of permanent , rock-like way .
28 Now you play that in the school and watch er fourth form girls sort of you know
29 Now they know that in listening to information given by television , on television , er on radio , they can buy newspapers produced in Great Britain .
30 Well I know that from Adrian , it preve
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