Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Arriving , she saw that the front door was still open : perhaps she had not been gone long , perhaps they had not yet missed her .
2 Perhaps she had not been there at all , in the street , but a phantom instead had taken her place , looking like her , feeling like her inside too , but not her , for she , Rosa , had been in her bed , dreaming .
3 The girl was standing near the back door , obviously she had not been invited inside .
4 Constitutionally it had not been thought through .
5 And to my annoyance was added the realization that perhaps he had not been such a bad interrogator after all .
6 Jade is therefore very tough and would have been almost ideal for tools and weapons if only it had not been so difficult to work and so scarce .
7 Philip was being obliging , feeling that yesterday he had not been .
8 He said yesterday he had not been approached about the acquisition .
9 Clearly she had not been in favour of Jenny 's alliance with Matthew .
10 Clearly he had not been expecting a confrontation .
11 Clearly he had not been content to wait , and as she looked at the hard , handsome face she knew he was furiously angry , only good manners holding back the words that were obviously uppermost in his mind .
12 So far she had not been able to reconcile her desire to keep everything the same and her desire for comfort .
13 For some time now he had not been aware of being followed , and he knew , too , that no one had searched his house in his absence .
14 Indeed , so far he had not been able to discover any previous relationship at all between Zoser and the Zikr .
15 If only all those years ago she had not been so strapped by convention .
16 It must be almost dawn , she thought absently ; an hour ago she had not been able to see a thing .
17 To lose her was more than Paul himself could contemplate ; and surely she had not been indifferent to him .
18 Not surprisingly he had not been happy as a Wesleyan .
19 Germany was not bound by an agreement between the Netherlands and Denmark , and Article 6 could not be used to achieve indirectly what had not been done directly .
20 The woods kept by the woodwards were as a general rule also subject to the authority of the king 's foresters ; if the latter discovered a Forest offence there which had not been reported by the woodward , the wood was seized and the woodward attached to answer for his default .
21 Something remained out there which had not been subjected to the same refining fire .
22 I had previously caught two individuals of H. tricolor in the Malaise trap but until then it had not been recorded in Britain although it was known from Germany and Japan .
23 The market had been dense as a souk , tables heaved with cameras , yet I had not been tempted .
24 Yet she had not been required to tell them : they had not asked .
25 Tsu Ma 's eyes had never left Li Shai Tung 's face , yet they had not been seeing him .
26 Yet it had not been especially noble of me .
27 Main had been promised by the Cunningham party that he would regain his place , yet it had not been done .
28 Unbeknown to his stepson , the old man had already been scanning the local papers with a view to hiring some kind of enquiry agent to search far and wide for the son who had absconded all those years ago , but as yet he had not been given the opportunity to do anything positive .
29 Despite being one of the commonest and most widespread birds in Britain , until recently it had not been studied in detail .
30 Certainly he had not been in such close proximity to a pretty young girl for as long as he could remember .
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