Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 I used to have three but I lost three sheep down when they built the university , and I have n't been able to find them , so I thought that they 'd be useful to try and locate them , you know .
2 And suddenly she wished that they were alone somewhere , just the two of them .
3 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
4 Only he said that they were gon na get an initiative through the schools on er
5 So he said that they could perhaps take a look round to see were there any secluded windows anywhere or any openings where they might just squeeze through .
6 included in mine , so it meant that they paid me for the summer holidays cos I did n't officially really
7 Already they knew that they were nearing the trees , for the burning Tower was low and far off .
8 It is in any case debatable whether the College could have survived in the face of such rapid growth in the private sector ; their lawsuits against usurping trade diminished once they realized that they had priced themselves out of the market and had little extra to offer than the trade apart from kudos and tradition .
9 Nonetheless he believed that they were seeing genuine effects that were inexplicable unless fusion were taking place .
10 But a second later I knew that they could not , or could no more plausibly than the glove , be hers .
11 Later I found that they had put me in prison because of my madness .
12 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
13 There was something about those faces , however , that made him uneasy and coming nearer he saw that they had been terribly pocked by round shot and musket fire , as if by a disfiguring disease .
14 Now I suggested that they might find a quicker way to count the sticks .
15 She realized she had never seen the servants before except as part of the backdrop of Summer Lodge , now she saw that they were part of her life , real people with loves and loyalties especially to her and it made her feel suddenly humble .
16 The kids had been sent to her mother 's house , and now it seemed that they had a new surrogate father .
17 The Opposition have made pledges on free phones and loft insulation — and only today we heard that they proposed to cut the profits of the electricity industry by 37.5 per cent .
18 Instead she almost dreamily let her fingers trail over Julius 's smooth and supple skin , she felt the hard heat of him against her palms , and it was astonishing how right it seemed that they should be together like this .
19 And then I said that they do n't hang about with us enough .
20 Other examples confirm this distinction : ( 138a ) It was then I knew that they were making war against Man , the individual within !
21 Then I tried it Cloister and it was too boring , and then I saw that they had Lanston Cochin at Mackenzie and Harris in San Francisco , so we used that and when we moved to phototype I did n't really go with the whole Jenson thing at all .
22 But then I found that they had n't done it that way .
23 Then she realised that they were n't employees of OBEX and that they all appeared to be handicapped in some way .
24 Though had Leith any anxieties about telling him of her feelings , then she discovered that they were unnecessary anyway , for , glancing at Naylor again , she saw that a cold mask seemed to have slipped over his features .
25 Sometimes they felt that they had no worth or purpose .
26 This quiet group of people looked so simple and unassuming that at first he could not think what made them interesting to him , and then he realized that they gave every appearance of complete sincerity .
27 Then he realised that they were referring to their own attack on him .
28 Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge , along with underdone toast and margarine , had the overwhelming attraction of being free .
29 At first sight the signatures of the two deceased seemed to be the same , but when I examined some of the fillings more closely I saw that they were quite new .
30 Well we were disappointed in the Good Report because er they did say it was one of the major issues , and yet they said that they did n't think any sweep in changes are needed which rather erm contradicted the earlier part of our report , we would have thought there were erm changes needed .
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