Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pos pn] case [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Like the captured enemy patrol , Grant and Larsen were dressed from head to foot in dark clothing , only in their case it was less military in style .
2 ‘ An inch , perhaps two , under six foot , every bit as large as his father , only in his case it 's muscle , not fat .
3 I 've been having discussions too , only in my case they 've been with the Hughes family who run Cheshire Restaurants .
4 ‘ We did a Watergate , ’ Otley explained , ‘ only in our case it was a Boilermakers Union Housegate , the old union headquarters .
5 Now in her case we put her on two fifties but that i uses up an awful lot of skin and it 's a real hassle , so er
6 Now in his case he was erm thinking mostly of toys and puzzles and problems to be done in the classroom .
7 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
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