Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [num] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 First , only about one-third of authorities hold annual elections and each year some councils change their electoral systems .
2 This was also the case when we asked about whether the police discri-minated against certain groups , two-thirds of Blacks and Whites believing this but only about one-third of Asians .
3 The minor claim is simply that if you it 's an empirical claim it says if you look at the fossil record , and you look in detail at the changes in the fossils , what you observe is not continuous steady change , but you see what they call stasis — that is nothing much happening for long periods of time , perhaps for millions of years , and then rather suddenly changes taking place .
4 In the Sirte Basin of eastern Libya , there are magnificent cliff sections , running literally for hundreds of miles , in what is usually referred to as the Marada Formation , of early Miocene ( Burdigalian ) age .
5 South and west of the Canaries , the Atlantic extends emptily for thousands of kilometres , broken only by the Cape Verde Islands ( also volcanic ) and two tiny specks of land , St Peter and St Paul 's Rocks , which are not strictly volcanic , oddly enough , but are composed of material that must have been derived from much deeper levels in the Earth than most volcanic rocks .
6 We could not get in to see Gracie Fields and , together with hundreds of troops , we stood outside and they relayed her performance , I listened to this glorious voice singing " Sally " and all the rest of her favourite songs , and then walking the other 11 miles back — in flying boots .
7 Some of these are already apparent following Britain 's entry into the ERM : the stoking up of inflation in the mid-1980s and the creation in the 1990s of a million or so extra unemployed , together with thousands of bankruptcies , can properly be ascribed in the main to priority having been given to a managed exchange rate .
8 The Wine & Spirit Association , the importers ' trade body , claims that signs that French wine was losing volume and market share in Britain emerged suddenly in 1990 after years of rapid growth .
9 It is now used not only in thousands of schools but also in industry at different levels .
10 The prose throughout is animated not only by dozens of animals but by machinery of all sorts : gears , superchargers , power drives , X-ray chambers .
11 These make it far less likely that they will dive vertically for hundreds of feet if the pilot pushes forwards on the stick .
12 He turned up shortly after ten in gumboots , corduroys , pullover and the trusty green weatherproof .
13 There 's traffic chaos in the region tonight with thousands of motorists caught up in tailbacks more than seven miles long .
14 Just over three-quarters of births to women under 20 were outside marriage in 1989 , compared with 37% in 1977 and 8% in 1971 .
15 In just over one-quarter of cases ( 14 ) a Place of Safety Order was sought , while in another 10 per cent ( 5 ) the child was already in care and under supervision .
16 The sand , shingle and shells were a prehistoric beach , preserved somehow over millions of years — and it took a breakdown for me to discover it .
17 To design a means of navigating effectively amongst thousands of images , video sequences , sound , text and numerics , all seamlessly combined as a single information resource , is a challenging problem and one that lies at the heart of successful multimedia applications .
18 More remarkable , as it now seems , while awaiting the king 's decision at Northampton they ravaged the surrounding countryside , and are said to have eventually returned home with hundreds of captives and much livestock .
19 For gradually over thousands of years , the Mother Goddess who gave birth to all things had lost her power as people realized that men had a role in procreation .
20 Geologists believe that the eastern Barents Sea , an important spawning areas for fish and home to millions of seabirds , may hold vast oil reserves .
21 Beneath them lie more layers extending downwards for thousands of feet , seemingly unchanged in character .
22 ‘ Even Kasmin Ltd diversified enormously from 1985–90 into antiquities , neolithic , ancient Eskimo , tribal art and so on .
23 The crisis hardened two years later in 1965 in clashes over , among other things , the question of a common agricultural policy .
24 My best Koi , bought at 2″ are now worth thousands of pounds .
25 Old cigarette cards and the like are now worth thousands of pounds .
26 But there are plenty of feral horses , descendants of escaped domestic horses that have lived and bred in the wild , often for hundreds of years .
27 Etna , on the island of Sicily , has been whooshing and thumping away in one or other of its twin summit craters intermittently for hundreds of years — Milton refers to it as ‘ Thundering Aetna ’ in Paradise Lost — and the lurid spectacle of gouts of lava being ejected from the crater every few minutes makes an odd contrast with the winter sports going on on the smooth , snowy slopes beneath the summit .
28 They visit Winson House , High Street , Petersfield , from 1.30 to 4 p.m. on Mondays ; Barbados House , Bordon , from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays , and the Forest Community Centre also in Bordon from 10 a.m. to 12.30 on Tuesdays .
29 The power to make effective decisions on fertility , reached independently but simultaneously by millions of families , has had startling aggregate effects on our population , society , and economy , the consequences of which are discussed further in Chapter 13 .
30 It is also a fairly obvious statement to say that historic pubs have served the function well for hundreds of years .
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