Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the kite turns either way left or right , then increase the pull on the opposite side , right for turning to the right and left for a left turn .
2 He travelled widely after graduating with a second-class BA ( ordinary degree ) in 1878 and spent a year as a stockman in Queensland , Australia .
3 Erm only through working with the peasants surely .
4 So much for relaxing on the beach , she thought .
5 In Britain there are 100,000 convictions annually for driving under the influence of drink and it has been estimated that 20 per cent of all hospital admissions are associated with alcohol in some way .
6 Above them will be the set of newly retired warriors , while above this set will be sets of elders , their relative status depending on their social ages , who will be responsible for internal political and legal matters and perhaps for communicating with the gods .
7 I am all for planning from the bottom up but I am also convinced of the virtues of the presentation of draft proposals as a means for making discussion possible .
8 ‘ Little talk with Jesus ? ’ he said , and , halfway through reaching for a tube of tomato purée , he closed his eyes and froze solid as if overtaken by a large quantity of molten lava .
9 A jet lad , Robert Middleton , was fined 2s 6d ( 12p ) for assaulting a woman neighbour , merely for sitting on a seat he had made .
10 Passions have cooled since then , and the committee now recommends that NASA consider building instruments especially for hitchhiking through the galaxy on ESA spacecraft .
11 Only worth growing as a substitute for waterlilies in shaded or running water .
12 It was reported on April 8 that Michel Mokuba Bokulo Mena , who had been appointed in the Cabinet reshuffle on March 28 , had resigned as Minister of Institutional Reforms apparently after disagreeing with the Prime Minister .
13 There is a small harbour , and skeletons of boats decorate the stony beach , the road coming alongside after passing between the terraced cottages of the village .
14 He brought up Jason alone after splitting from the boy 's mother Sue and said I 'm very proud I 'm very pro that sort of thing ohm
15 Under British pressure , the French eventually departed in humiliation , but only after presiding over a covenant that gave the Lebanese republic the system of power-sharing which is now disintegrating .
16 The field was laid out in strips about two feet apart and only after pushing into the crop did I realize that the plants were trained up a trellis of almost invisible wires and that I was in a hop field — a ‘ beer field ’ , as Duncan would have called it .
17 Mildred had bought a mask which featured hair made from uncarded sheep 's wool , and which had produced moths only after hanging for a year on the landing of her staircase .
18 Long after breaking with the Campaign Group , Beckett was still offering comradely greetings to its supporters in its party conference newsletter .
19 For Lynda Hall , 43 , and her husband Alan , have just bought the 200-year-old Navigation Inn , at Buxworth , which actress Pat Phoenix , who played Elsie for 22 years , took over not long after going into the Street .
20 I mentioned the incident at Land 's End and was told that it was not unusual for student pilots who dare to stray into the military areas to receive a safe wingtip and tail helicopter escort home , leaving the student a gibbering wreck long after returning to the club house .
21 ‘ He is very much in contention for a first-team place , although he may not think so after playing for the juniors .
22 There was no question that he could have gone into some major productions and worked with some of the more notable directors ; he refused point blank , especially after seeing On a Clear Day .
23 It did , especially after lolling in the bath with the first of several Ruddles .
24 Their career opportunities consist of moving from second bassoon to first bassoon and perhaps of moving from a second-rank orchestra to a better , more prestigious one .
25 Over the first years or so of paying into an endowment fund , most of your money will be paid straight to the lender or broker who arranged the policy .
26 But after an hour or so of trudging into the stiff wind , a slight feeling of despair crept over me .
27 According to a correspondent of The Graphic , these 19th-century visitors must have been little different from today's-instead of gasping at the 70-kilometre vista spread before them , their first reaction on arrival at the top was to write commemorative postcards .
28 He had also paid a substantial price for the pleasure , not merely of looking at the corpse of the idea of a centre party , but of stamping upon it several times over .
29 Slowly I aided upwards , thinking only of getting to the sling ; the rest would be a later worry .
30 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
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