Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After all , reckoned America 's lawmakers , these bosses know most about what needs to be done — never mind that they got the firm into trouble in the first place .
2 In me the need to talk is a primary impulse , and I ca n't help saying right off what comes to my tongue .
3 Yet some form of coercion or compulsion still resulted from what he considered it right for him to do in certain circumstances .
4 If the Minister is not prepared to shoulder the burden on behalf of the British taxpayer , is the time not right for him to work with the European Community in establishing a Europewide diversification initiative ?
5 It would be all right for her to talk to Nicholas then , it would look natural , no one could read anything into it .
6 The real problem is , as the Carnegie Foundation has realized since establishing the Ageing Society Project of the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1982 ( Pifer and Bronte , 1986 ) , that we know surprisingly little about what happens to a society and its economy when its age structure changes significantly .
7 ‘ He told me a little about what happened to you in the States , ’ I encouraged .
8 He found a cab immediately and the traffic was light enough for him to get to Heathrow with plenty of time to spare , in spite of the stringent security control that the American airlines now insisted on .
9 is the problem of soil erosion perceived to be important enough for them to unite on this issue so that their combined power leads to a coherent response ?
10 This released accumulations of polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) into the bloodstream , which together with hunger , helped weaken the dolphins enough for them to succumb to infections of herpes and distemper .
11 The colleges , including Chester , have argued that the breadth and standard of their courses is good enough for them to compete on equal footing with the old polytechnics , which are now universities .
12 ‘ I think and hope you care enough for me to listen to what I have to say ! ’ he added .
13 ‘ It 's hard enough for me to walk through this snow ’ , he said .
14 I was by no means ill , and the ground by the road was firm enough for me to get to the Land Rover without too much of a struggle .
15 The train stopped there long enough for me to run along the line and climb up into the great diesel engine driven by Bert Coad from Perth and Hilton Hinchcliff from Kalgoorlie .
16 ‘ Remember , the range on this thing is quite long enough for me to dispose of you at any moment should you try to desert me or plot against me . ’
17 as if it was n't bad enough for us to live through it once … ’
18 The income from the farm and lands are enough for us to live in comparative comfort without going cap-in-hand to common tradesmen .
19 There are difficulties enough for us to cope with when we seek to discover what is ‘ the rent reserved by the letting ’ and these are the difficulties which exclusively engaged the attention of the court in this case .
20 It was just warm enough for us to sit at the table outside and drink cool wine in the fading sun .
21 ‘ We 've now got to see if people like it enough for us to want to even think about building something like it . ’
22 And it is n't enough for us to identify with our self , it is necessary to do so passionately , to the point of life and death .
23 With primordial black holes being so scarce , it might seem unlikely that there would be one near enough for us to observe as an individual source of gamma rays .
24 Even if we meet with fellow humans from other parts of our globe where the spoken and written languages are different , the common , basic sense of meaning which we carry in our minds is enough for us to communicate through gesture and signs and to know that , should we care to , we can learn each other 's language .
25 It 's hard to see how they could ever get to know each other long enough for it to come to this .
26 You may have put off beginning lace knitting because you know that it requires an extra carriage and one carriage is enough for you to master as a beginner .
27 Is your holiday realistically long enough for you to get to and from your chosen area as well as complete the walk ?
28 Would you go down a hole if it was life or death that was just enough for you to get into
29 If that 's not enough for you to think about , try these questions .
30 ‘ I care too much about what happens to this family .
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