Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We will consider these questions below before moving on to controls in sections 4.3 and 4.4 .
2 Nationally , few MPs think that they will gain much from chuntering on about the drains … but I just wonder if they are not wrong .
3 In any large , structured company , some people are better motivators and better at getting on with the work force than others .
4 That 's fine , but you now know this will happen , and you know how to do it — just by carrying on with this Inch Loss Plan diet and the Maintenance Exercise Programme which will have the effect of continually improving your shape .
5 Trainees should obtain nine points or more before moving on to Goal 4 .
6 The court heard that Nichol then drove her home before going on to another girlfriend , Leoni Hogg , whom he had previously lived with .
7 I waved aside her gratitude , being much more keenly preoccupied by the difficulty I was having in making myself stand upright without hanging on to something .
8 If the current yield on the CTD bond exceeds the money market interest rate , the bond will be delivered on the last business day of the month , because the short earns more by holding on to the bond than by delivering it and investing the proceeds in the money market ; otherwise the bond will be delivered on the first business day of the month .
9 Do you think it 's really worth going on with this idea ? "
10 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
11 I got back to Durham today after staying on in Leeds to watch the Villa match !
12 Just past South Cadbury is Cadbury Castle and you can take a diversion here before going on to Sutton Montis and Queel Camel .
13 It just so happens that Paul had to make his visit there before going on to be decapitated somewhere else .
14 The days were truly apocalyptic ; sadly , many of the commentators and reviewers , the would-be art leaders , were merely apoplectic ; not least in fastening on to his overt sexuality , their criticisms of him shielding their own neuroses .
15 And manager Joe Kinnear last night reported that John Fashanu was in agony after pulling his hamstring again after coming on as a substitute even though he was ‘ only about 10 per cent fit . ’
16 But instead of getting on with the revolution , which Lowe believed was Wilson 's historic duty , Harold had immediately ‘ sold out ’ to the capitalists by adopting right-wing policies approved by NATO and the International Monetary Fund .
17 In school , George was described as ‘ aggressive … he wanders about instead of getting on with his work … he wo n't conform … he 's like his brother … generally he disturbs other children .
18 Instead of getting on with the business of making toilet water , he spent his time on the racecourse and worse .
19 kept checking up on people 's like erm capabilities as well instead of getting on with his own job he kept checking up on their them all as well .
20 Apparently it belongs to this boy Svend because it was he who suggested they go to Copenhagen instead of staying on in Roskilde when the pop festival ended . ’
21 Why does not that rule go in 1992 instead of limping on until April 1993 ?
22 A common mistake is to try to use lift on the way back instead of gliding on through it at a sensible speed .
23 Involvement of the valve of the aorta ( the large main artery , emerging from the heart ) , can cause this valve to become inefficient , so that instead of closing fully after each pumping beat of the heart , it remains partly open , allowing a proportion of the blood to return to the heart instead of passing on round the body .
24 Instead of pushing on to Normandy to muster an army and then return to Maine in force , he switched direction and went home to die .
25 ( 20 December 1777 ) So instead of moving on to Paris before the winter set in , the Mozarts remained in Mannheim .
26 Mungo Stone had the sensation that instead of threading on to the horizon , at any moment the ever-narrowing rails might simply come to a dead end among the trees .
27 Perhaps we should think about it , instead of drifting on from day to day .
28 To take advantage of the high rate of return on securities , people buy them now instead of holding on to their money .
29 If instead of holding on to the property X had given the property to Y no inheritance tax will be in point provided Y farmed the property ( or X survived the gift by seven years ) but in that case there would have been no capital gains tax uplift on the death of X.
30 Instead of going on to the pillar-box , Auntie hesitated a moment , then took shelter from the rain in the doorway of a gent 's outfitter 's , just by the bus-stop .
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