Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] but he be " in BNC.

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1 He was only small but he was wiry , with hard , knotty muscles .
2 Not for much longer but he 's with me now .
3 One of them 's still alive but he 's likely to bleed to death . ’
4 ‘ He 's still alive but he 's lost a lot of blood .
5 No , he 's still alive but he 's
6 I think they 're probably a little bit more expensive but he is much cheaper than in
7 ‘ Her husband 's a solicitor , ’ I said , which was n't strictly true but he was in the legal profession , and they 're all as thick as thieves as far as I 'm concerned .
8 I Do n't fancy James really cute but he 's an arsehole but she
9 The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling , for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next .
10 Wallace was threatening and on that day he was aggressive and I thought played pretty well overall but he was often fouled by the Blackburn defence .
11 Well he 's not the most unfunny but he 's not incredibly funny .
12 He was n't too subtle but he was effective .
13 He has great timing and is naturally very funny but he was always a gentleman and very professional as well . ’
14 ‘ He 's very safe , he 's very careful but he 's fairly pushy . ’
15 Well he is n't that much but he 's a good nine years .
16 The mother in the corner had been told hers was not very well but he was a little boy and would probably live .
17 ‘ What Roberts does is very good but he is n't so successful as a team manager just because he teaches riders to dirt-track .
18 He tells her that America is very hot but he is having a nice time .
19 Yeah I think you know he 's such a er er he does , he he 's very clean but he 's not a good housewife .
20 he was n't too bad but he 's
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