Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] one [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Still a win is a win and a most popular one at that with the majority of a crowd that was building towards 25,000 , mindful of the previous Saturday 's events at Lansdowne Road where the eclipse of England remains the season 's highlight .
2 The long journey across , the shock of realising that she would have to share the house with a complete stranger , and a highly undesirable one at that , had disorientated her .
3 This is a new role for many of those whose background has been restricted to teaching but an entirely familiar one to those whose background has been in interpreting .
4 The idea of a complete package of documentation is not an entirely new one in any event .
5 In the last chapter , five tones found on English one-syllable utterances were introduced , and if English was spoken in isolated monosyllables , the job of tonal analysis would be a rather similar one to that described for tone languages .
6 Just that one on that post .
7 They realized a new star had emerged and a most unusual one at that .
8 We see a tank like this wha , on a like this one of these a man in a jeep
9 We travelled the countryside by day and by night in buses , and were tumbled out of them in the blackout to grope our way ‘ home ’ through streets which , in their uniform monotony , were hardly distinguishable one from another , our torches , with their regulation double layer of tissue-paper over the bulb , showing like grounded fireflies in the intense darkness .
10 Well , I think that particular factor has been the most negative one of all .
11 Certainly the attitudinist can allow deductive reasoning full sway in ethics , since attitudes can be logically inconsistent one with another just as much as can beliefs .
12 Secondly , the workforce undertaking the assessment has been expensively trained as professional providers ; not only is the role of assessor without being a provider an inherently unsatisfactory one for these people , but the emphasis upon dispassionate , creative professional judgement as the arbiter of resource allocation , resource creation , and resource co-ordination , is entirely removed from the scene .
13 And a most disturbing one at that ; too disturbing by a long chalk to display on one 's sideboard to embarrass one s guests .
14 ‘ Maybe not , but if I were you , Miss Williams , I 'd make sure that I confined myself to facts in future , and the most pressing one of all is the fact that someone in this town is annoyed with you ! ’
15 But because mountain peaks require specialist flora and fauna , and are often separate one from another , they also to some extent resemble islands ; and indeed , they have been called ‘ sky islands ’ .
16 As seen , Lord Greene M.R. in the Wednesbury case conceived of unreasonableness in its substantive sense , as a long stop and a fairly extreme one at that : if an exercise of discretion successfully negotiated the hurdles of improper purpose and relevancy it could still be invalidated on the altar of substantive unreasonableness if it was so unreasonable that no reasonable body could reach such a decision .
17 The most critical one in some ways is a change in the structure of our lower jaw , so instead of having a lot of bones in our lower jaw we have just a single bone in our lower jaw , the dentory , which articulates with a bone called the scremosal , whereas in reptiles the quadrate and articular for the articulation and those bones have now got stuck into our inner ear and do some stuff about conducting sound impulses .
18 I think the most immediate one in that 's it 's on the control of the party , are those er wards that have a focus leaflet .
19 or even that one about that game with Mornington Crescent in it .
20 The names given to these pools give a hint of the variety of the bacteria and the splendour of the effects they produce Emerald Pool , Sulphur Cauldron , Beryl Spring , Firehole Falls , Morning Glory Pool and — a particularly rich one with several species of bacteria — Artists ' Paintpots .
21 Now , he saw her simply as a woman , and a surprisingly beautiful one at that .
22 In the end , only the provincial government or the central government in Delhi had a view of the ‘ whole ’ and it was an increasingly abstract one at that .
23 With almost as much of an increase in the volume of exports and an even greater one in that of re-exports , ports engaged in foreign trade were , as a group , handling four times as much cargo in 1800 as they had been in 1700 , and perhaps two and a half times as much as in 1750 .
24 This reality may be the most difficult one of all to accept .
25 We will see in our last chapter that the little book of Jonah , too , has its own challenge to make , and a quite devastating one at that .
26 This can hardly be said for composers such as Webern , whose fifty-odd songs have accompaniments which are almost undistinguishable one from another and are certainly unmemorable .
27 On Monday , the Today programme , which has been the most heavily anti-Tory one for many years , decided that Michael Heseltine should be allowed to appear .
28 Anyway , the chipping of the clay has become a national pastime , and a pretty rotten one at that .
29 His days were barely distinguishable one from another .
30 Here , the cause will be a very different one to that associated with irrigation but may have significant repercussions for the exacerbated salinisation of one of China 's most productive agricultural regions .
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