Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was incredibly strong and she closed her legs around him , driven by some instinct to try and pull him deeper within her .
2 The lift was thankfully free and she stepped blindly into it , blinking so that she could find the right button to push .
3 she 's going , erm because he , he does n't do anything , yeah , and she 's going oh I suppose any other girl would dump you ages ago , you do n't know how lucky you are , she just so nice , blah , blah , blah , blah , and he , I say it was so funny and she start shouting at him , that 's why he was trying to go oh shut up
4 ‘ She had been so brave and she had a right to know , to set her life in order just like anyone facing death . ’
5 " Father , there is something I would like so much And she had spoken deliberately with the voice of Amabel .
6 But he was n't a liar , she knew , yet he was evading so much and she wanted to know .
7 But Cara is so clever and she works so hard .
8 Feargal 's blue eyes were impossibly bland and she found it very hard to keep her face straight .
9 ‘ But as far as we know , she is still mechanically fine and she has still got some running life which is why she will be touring the preserved railways . ’
10 I was worried that she 'd go off with someone else because she was so pretty and she thought the same about me because I was away from home so much .
11 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
12 As they hugged the 13-year-old outside a Blackpool hospital mother Audrey Rogers ( 38 ) , said : ‘ She is only young and she realises what she has done has been silly .
13 He was so handsome and she did love him dearly , despite Gareth Davis .
14 She had never felt so wretched and she vowed that if Maggie recovered she would make it up to her somehow .
15 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
16 In some odd way he was not a stranger because his name was painfully familiar and she imagined she had been expecting this angry arrival since her accident — that must be the cause of this feeling that was swimming through her .
17 We would n't go in at a , I would n't go in at all , but Stuart 's mum used to live right opposite and she likes to go in occasionally cos she sees all her old friends , she do n't see them very often so she likes to go in and see all her old friends , otherwise I do n't
18 It was still empty and she wandered at will around the main hall , seeing only those involved in administration moving about .
19 Many were still unframed and she had to admit that she loved them .
20 And she was still hungry and she had dinner already .
21 But when that was complete , it got more difficult and she lost interest .
22 Born free , oh by the way I went to that study centre , I went to that study centre and she looked at it she asked me what spilt over it and she said oh it 's still readable and she said well done for coming to er
23 I was just a little curious and she seemed to be er
24 It sounded ridiculously lame and she cursed herself for sounding so weak and ineffectual , but miraculously he seemed not to notice .
25 The contact with him had left her decidedly tremulous and she reacted with anger .
26 Q Our daughter is nearly three and she 's been dry at night for over a year , but recently she 's started to wet the bed at night .
27 The field in front of the house was reasonably flat and she set off to tackle that .
28 It stood well away from the other buildings and this morning the great doors were partly open and she looked inside carefully .
29 The front room door slightly open and she pressed her face to the crack .
30 Something about Felipe de Santis made her slightly anxious and she held herself tightly in control .
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