Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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31 You 're so stubborn that you wo n't even allow the possibility that you 're wrong . ’
32 After a time he began to whisper in a voice that tried now to be soft and gentle , in complete contrast to his alarm calls : ‘ Come on , Minch , you ca n't really be so ill that you ca n't show me your face just for a moment , or let me hear the ruffle of one of your wings .
33 Go on any Earth Mysteries trip to an ancient site and it is highly likely that you will see at least one person walking holding wire rods or holding a weight on the end of a piece of string .
34 Bear in mind that any speed limit is a maximum , it does not mean that it is safe to drive at that speed , always take into account all the conditions at the time , never drive so fast that you can not stop well within the distance you can see to be clear .
35 Do not attempt to tie a tourniquet unless you have severed an artery and blood loss is so fast that you must stop the flow quickly .
36 In winter it got so cold that you would have to wear your clothes in bed .
37 ‘ At nights , ’ said the Canadian , ‘ it was so cold that you could n't sleep at all , and about dawn you 'd hear the shots as they knocked off that day 's quota of Frenchmen out in the yard . ’
38 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
39 ‘ I 'm not so sure that you can .
40 You should not feel any pressure to eat all your favourite things before your diet begins because when you do start , food change will be so gradual that you will notice no hardship .
41 The opportunities for road racing in Britain are so frequent that you can be constantly in danger of taking on too many .
42 I think having I think having waited so patiently for so long that you can wait a little lo further .
43 I 've been so afraid for so long that you 'd never care for me …
44 Medication is not always the right resource in times of distress , but there are certain situations that are so terrible that you will need something to help you through the first few months .
45 This is so stupid that you might wonder why the employers did not plump for the other alternative — until you come to look at it !
46 As dawn breaks and your testosterone level lifts naturally to begin the day , the memories of the banquet if provided last night may be so powerful that you can hardly wait to begin again .
47 It has leanings toward Gibson 's Melody Maker/Les Paul Special range , but so slight that you would be hard pushed to detect it without laser-optic assistance .
48 The Town Moor draw 's favours are so unpredictable that you may as well stick to choosing a horse for its name alone .
49 THE obstacles facing any film-maker are so large and so numerous that you might imagine only the best reach the screen .
50 Apart from which I would think it highly unlikely that you would even get into my little car . ’
51 It is highly unlikely that you will be doing this around January but diaries are available from many stores at most times of the year .
52 But , at Seattle women 's art was so prolific that you would have needed a whole month to do the work justice .
53 ‘ You cut this one short ’ — he jabbed my chest again — ‘ and I 'll cut you so short that you 'll be singing falsetto . ’
54 Competition for agency jobs is so severe that you may find it easier to obtain an interview with the media itself — a TV contractor or newspaper and then make the transition to agency work a little later in your career .
55 This method of knitting whilst shaping is so important that you might like to keep suitable time entirely clear to master the basics without interruption .
56 What was so dreadful that you could n't tell me ?
57 And do n't get so drunk that you ca n't stand up and have to sit down in the middle or , worse still , can not speak at all .
58 Techniques " at the bell " are four ( 1 ) living with the headlines and main outlines of your subject by the use of swot cards ; ( 2 ) rehearsing old papers ( or papers concocted from textbook examples ) under examination conditions , with the deliberate aim of making these conditions so familiar that you will be at ease — with the " this-is-old-hat-to-me " feeling in the examination room ; ( 3 ) listening with a much more critical ear to your tutor and to the lecturer — especially if he is also the examiner ;
59 Now I want you to tell me the important part — why the hell are you so desperate that you 'll go to this extent in order to get your hands on the bequest ?
60 If you are spending less of your market 's total advertising money than you have market share , and a major competitor is spending significantly more , it is highly probable that you will fail to gain sales .
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