Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their livelihoods are important and it is entirely right that their expertise , built up over many years , should be made available to reprocess nuclear fuel when appropriate .
2 We were like creatures so different that their scales of vision are incompatible .
3 The aquarium has been successful in reproducing anemones , nudibranchs and various shelled molluscs ; octopods ; Crustaceans , especially shrimps , with a view to commercial farming for the aquarium ; and starfish which have proved so bountiful that their eggs and young provide an endless supply of food for other specimens .
4 The interest of workers may well be higher wages — but not so high that their employer is driven from business .
5 If so , then where the Aristotelians go wrong is not so much that their procedures do not get us knowledge , as that they have a restricted or incorrect notion of what knowledge actually is .
6 They are naturally delighted that their Tour is at last receiving world recognition as a viable and attractive way of earning a living .
7 Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinist .
8 ‘ Get yourself a good lawyer , and if somebody rips you off , punish them , and do it so hard that their ancestors hurt . ’
9 Get yourself a good lawyer , and if somebody rips you off , punish them , and do it so hard that their ancestors hurt
10 They also vividly illustrate the incompetence component because the results , by their own analysis , were to upset the others and make it less likely that their views would prevail .
11 The higher the father 's status , the greater the child 's chance of attending a grammar rather than a secondary modern school , though the occupational group ‘ skilled manual workers ’ was so large that their children were by far the largest single group in all types of school .
12 Yet there will always be those whose love for Uncle Ted , now deceased , looms so large that their grief overwhelms their faith .
13 If adults are asked about their childhood , it seems highly likely that their memories will have become distorted or lost over the years , and that they will be coloured by the person 's present mood state , particularly by the existence of any psychiatric disorder .
14 The force of their own gravity is so great that their collapse can not be halted at all .
15 Later on , when wafts of sulphurous fumes from the volcano still so frequent that their chariots were constantly on the move , despite having their wheels chocked with stones .
16 If Anglican vicars have left bat droppings to accumulate for so long that their ceilings are sagging , they have only themselves to blame .
17 The water is so shallow that their writhing humped backs break clear of the surface .
18 Dragons so numerous that their wings darkened the sky descended on the Chaos Host .
19 But the only reason for that relatively peaceful state of affairs was , quite simply , that Lisa had been so busy that their paths had very rarely crossed .
20 All oriental rug designs can be broadly divided into those which employ naturalistic representations of living forms and those which employ either totally geometric forms , or naturalistic forms that have been so abstracted that their origins are no longer recognizable .
21 Some people , such as writers , dancers , and painters , are so gifted that their communication becomes art .
22 It is therefore extremely important that their findings should be presented as theories , not facts ( see Kuhn 1962 , and Feyerabend 1978 for discussion on the issues involved ) .
23 The quanta are individually so small that their interactions , statistically averaged , appear continuous .
24 ‘ Not right at this moment , ’ he drawled , and he was so close that their bodies were only inches apart , and as he looked down at her mouth with narrowed eyes she felt her heart begin to race madly .
25 AS CHILDREN , Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and his sister Judith were so close that their father called them Punch and Judy .
26 How can they be so certain that their judgements are fair and just ?
27 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
28 For English fans , though , there was pleasure that their team had begun to show heart and direction and purpose , all of which had been missing since the Ashes tour of 1986–7 ; while West Indian fans were just happy that their heroes had shown that , after all , W.B. Yeats had got it wrong and the centre could hold .
29 Sabine swallowed , desperately aware that their altercation was attracting the attention of other customers to the bank .
30 Moreover , whereas the British workers were also overwhelmingly satisfied with their payment structure , the French were deeply convinced that their payment structure was based on unfair principles .
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