Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 While his arguments about capital punishment are still of great relevance , it now seems rather odd that it could have been thought necessary to have to argue against the use of torture for extracting confessions .
2 Eric Hammond of the Electrical , Electronic , Telecommunication and Plumbing Union said in The Daily Telegraph : ’ It is so fundamentally wrong that it will increasingly threaten Labour 's prospects of a national victory . ’
3 Brownie Owl continued : ‘ I think Farmer Bolsover is mostly afraid that we might do damage to his crops by not keeping to the paths , or taking a fancy to the fruit in his orchard . ’
4 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
5 Although a notice inside clearly stated its capacity to carry three persons , he was secretly afraid that it would be inadequate to bear his vast bulk .
6 And it 's only right that we should say how it 's spent .
7 We represent over four million levy paying members , the trade unions that is , and it 's only right that they should have a proper say in the election of the Lad Labour leader , not just the thirty percent as is being suggested here .
8 Although I am down , I still have my pride and dignity and so I thought it only right that I should remove all the silverware I had brought to the club from the trophy cabinet : my cycling proficiency medal , the Mitchley Majorettes runners-up trophy I nicked from their carnival float , my Winston Churchill commemorative coin and the photograph of Michel Platini and myself talking football outside Broadcasting House whilst both waiting to secure Bruce Forsyth 's autograph .
9 It is perhaps possible that they might fail to mention that a purely functional muftilik had been made an for Hizir Bey ; but it seems unlikely in the extreme that they should fail to mention his having held a post which , as has been suggested in the previous chapter , was already one of great prestige and which , by Taskopruzade 's time less than a century later , was certainly one of considerable power .
10 However , there has been considerable controversy over the meaning of the link between events and depression — whether in fact the existence of a psychosocial stressor makes a depressive response so understandable that it should not be considered a disease .
11 We have all heard of the addiction caused by long-term taking of tranquillisers but did you realise that the effect of sleeping pills can last well into the following day and many antihistamines ( commonly taken to relieve colds or allergies ) can make you so drowsy that you should not drive for some hours after taking them ?
12 It is so fiery that you would shrivel instantly .
13 If private capital can be attracted — and I believe it could to the right project — it seems to me entirely right that we should do what we can as Government to create the right climate for a successful link to be built .
14 However , it is entirely right that we should ask them to check whether documentation is correct .
15 They turned through the narrow Kendal Dyke into a lovely wilderness of reeds and water , sailed from one to another of the posts that mark the channel , came to a signpost standing not on land but out in the middle of the Sounds , read ‘ to Horsey ’ on one side of it , reached away through Meadow Dyke , so narrow that they could easily have jumped ashore , and came at last to the open Mere .
16 Sometimes they would stroll under the leafy canopies of the Mardyke , where the river was not a river at all but a stream — his father used to say that you could n't even call it a branch of the Lee , perhaps a twig at best — often dried-up in summer and so narrow that he could nearly have jumped across it if he had been allowed ; at other times their route would take them down the Marina where the river was a broad rink-like expanse that copied in shimmering reflections the haughty hills of Montenotte drawing themselves up from its other side .
17 Many of the country lanes were so narrow that it would not have been possible for two vehicles to pass each other , but after half an hour , they cut into the main road that ran south from Cherbourg to Carentan .
18 Erm , and I think it 's also perhaps right that we should note with pleasure the comment made in the third paragraph on the second page , about the work of Mr and Mr , er , I think that does rec er , give some recognition to erm , er the role that the archivist 's are playing in the wider community , and I think that is extremely er commendable and I think we should send our congratulations from this committee er , and our support for what they 're doing .
19 It moves me playing it and it upsets me playing it , it 's very upsetting to play Alfie , because A he 's such a disastrous man as a person d you know you think oh god I do n't really wan na be playing this man for sixteen weeks but the part is so wonderful and the play is so rich that you ca n't help s sort of s submitting to it and putting yourself in the position of being a masochist I suppose .
20 The cost of sending a child to a private , fee-paying school is all the things that you ca n't afford to buy as a result : the new car that you ca n't afford , the holidays in the sun that you ca n't afford ( if you 're so rich that you can afford all these things easily , the opportunity cost , to you , of sending your child to a private school may be next to nothing ) .
21 The bond was so strong that they would feel her presence all their lives .
22 You see if you are very angry about something , about a situation you know that when you 're in that anger it 's so strong that you would n't notice if something happened right under your nose because your anger is u occupying your , your brain and your senses .
23 The feeling and atmosphere to ( sic ) the place is so strong that you can almost breathe it in . ’
24 That was what caused the hysteria and enthusiasm and so , I felt that if the band on stage was at least so close to his sense of humour that he felt comfortable with them , if the crew and all the support system was so strong that he could relax enough to enjoy the crowd , only then would it get magnetic and spontaneous .
25 Her maternal instincts would be so strong that she would be unable to resist their calls for help and would soon approach them , pick them up individually in her mouth and place them in her bed .
26 The impulse was so strong that she could hardly believe that he did not feel it too .
27 In other words , my guard was now so strong that I would wake myself up rather than allow myself to eat , even in a dream .
28 A delusion , on the other hand , is a , is a much more serious kind of factual error in which the element of wish fulfilness becomes so strong that it wo n't countenance any evidence against it .
29 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
30 The magnetic field would be so strong that it could focus these particles into jets ejected outward along the axis of rotation of the black hole , that is , in the directions of its north and south poles .
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