Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] up with " in BNC.

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1 She 's obviously prepared to put up with your terms .
2 ‘ Listen , I do n't know what you 're up to now , but let me make it quite clear that I 'm only prepared to put up with you for the sake of the station and my job .
3 You know the old adage that , I mean one of the reasons is it 's so much easier to come up with a scandal , to come with a rats in the basement or something like that and intrigue people , than it is to come up with some , the positive angles .
4 The key is not so much to end up with the right plan as to engage in strategic thinking .
5 You 're less likely to end up with gaps and assumptions . ’
6 He accepts it 's extremely difficult to come up with conclusive evidence that violent films cause violent behaviour , but that a series of studies in America 20 years ago suggested it was a factor .
7 You 'd be so nice to wake up with
8 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
9 Overall what stands out from intercity comparisons such as these is that firstly , London 's difficulties are echoed elsewhere , which is comforting since it is generally easier to put up with a problem if you know that others share it .
10 According to Professor Thomis , it is " an area of agreement " that wages were generally unable to keep up with steeply rising food prices , while Mathias , pointing to rising money wages as a feature of the period , concludes that inflating prices generally outpaced them .
11 It 's best just to put up with it .
12 The person in the centre who is most likely to link up with the systems verifier is the SCOTVEC co-ordinator .
13 Concrete must be used within four house of mixing , and it is usually easier to keep up with the latter type , which is laid as it is mixed .
14 Potentially the customer holds the strong cards at this stage of the discussion : the hotelier or restaurateur knows what his business problems are and knows what the computer system is going to have to achieve — and the potential buyer , who has thought this through before the supplier appears , is more likely to end up with the right system .
15 Most aphids can grow up either as a wingless stationary form or a winged migratory form ; they are more likely to grow up with wings if the local population density is high .
16 However , we believe that those who are determined to understand a phenomenon and to follow their research and their intuition wherever they may lead , are on the balance of probabilities , perhaps more likely to come up with new knowledge than those who are trying to solve a narrowly defined problem or to develop a product .
17 Both Soviet and foreign estimates of the numbers threatened with starvation and death over the period 1921–2 varied enormously , and no amount of detailed research is ever likely to come up with reliable figures .
18 He was , though , still unwilling to put up with people who he felt were beneath his intellectual level .
19 I am usually able to come up with an idea
20 Although his general health seemed more stable after his long recuperation , he was finding it more and more difficult to keep up with his daily obligations , let alone those of a more public nature .
21 Yeah it 's more difficult to keep up with others if they if they 're older and they 've been learning this stuff for a lot longer
22 McDonough is now likely to team up with McGavin in attack on the long run in with Hopkins filling Martin 's role on the right , but the Layer Road worries at present are of a defensive nature .
23 It makes me really happy to come up with an observation that I know will hit home .
24 ‘ I 'm really keen to meet up with Elvis again . ’
25 We are not even likely to put up with our politicians ' abdication of monetary responsibility for long , though it is another subject they try not to mention in front of us .
26 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
27 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
28 And he 's always particularly keen to come up with original melodies .
29 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
30 The old man sliced through the logs with such quick , sweet accuracy that it was almost impossible to keep up with him .
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