Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 talking , all messing each other bits up , you had about six spread round your room for that time , and it was so good and we got through it so quick , there were so few mistakes because you only ever had six maximum kids in your room at once at that was only because Terry offered to put on a video an and
2 I for one am going to go after much younger women because they 're tractable , cute , and society tacitly approves of that sort of thing .
3 They discovered that people in poor countries persisted in having so many children because they wanted them .
4 And it 's only small helpings because you can come for more , okay ?
5 Snow may also lie later in block screes ( which also tend to be located below north-facing slopes because they were mostly formed by freeze-thaw action ) .
6 Maxwell 's theory clashed with these generally accepted assumptions because it predicted that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and also predicted , as was to be realized later , that fluctuating currents should emit a new kind of radiation , radio waves , travelling at a finite velocity through empty space .
7 I have dealt at length with these tedious and superficially unimportant details because they are the only area of activity in Anselm 's years as archbishop in which a clear , persistent , and deeply felt course of action — such as can properly be described as a ‘ policy ’ — can be detected ; and if we are to understand his mind , we must understand the importance which he attached to this issue .
8 Theoretically , bats could do the same thing , but dolphins seem more likely candidates because they are in general more social .
9 They are both interesting books because they tell interesting stories , and are arranged to dramatic effect in interesting ways .
10 He did not merely jump on the bandwagon of the great railway boom , but rethought the whole business from scratch and — with sound reasoning — adopted a broad gauge ( 7 feet ) which only had to be converted to the ‘ standard ’ gauge of 4 feet 8½ inches after nearly sixty years because it had become isolated from the rest of the country 's railway network .
11 Most like slightly acid soil , although stone fruits ( plums , peaches , apricots , cherries ) prefer neutral or slightly alkaline conditions because they need lime for their fruit to develop fully , and blueberries need very acid soil .
12 Insurance companies pay most punitive damages because they themselves are the defendants that juries are most likely to punish substantially .
13 You could be very happy if you are not putting your enjoyment in second place or you could be making the most enormous compromises because you lack the courage to go alone on the sort of holiday that you would really enjoy .
14 They became really good friends because they were very alike .
15 lt would , for example , sound distinctly odd to have a tone-unit boundary between an article and a following noun , or between auxiliary and main verbs if they are adjacent ( though we may on occasions hesitate or pause in such places within a tone-unit ; some people who do a lot of arguing , notably politicians and philosophers , develop the skill of pausing for breath in such intonationally unlikely places because they are less likely to be interrupted than if they pause at the end of a sentence ) .
16 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
17 It 's just , you 're just thinking that if there 's anybody who skateboards just skates and like really ragged clothes because you 're not exactly gon na go out wearing a suit skateboarding cos as soon as you fall off you you 're gon na rip it to shreds are n't you ?
18 The silver inlays show up as pale areas because they are denser than brass to X-rays .
19 It received only about 3,000 returned forms , although there were about 6,000 votes because I understand that there were two votes on each one .
20 Mr Banham warned an Association of Metropolitan Authorities conference in London yesterday : ‘ There may well be half a million furious business people , either with severely disappointed expectations because they expected to see their rate bills cut by half , or facing a succession of real increases of 20 per cent in their annual rates bills .
21 They were quite good days because I knew absolutely nothing about the music business , being at school , and he was my first boy friend who was n't upper class .
22 But at least two years because it would take us that time to furnish the house .
23 The body preferred " deception " to the previously used terms because it had " the advantage of directing attention to the effect that the offender deliberately produced on the mind of the person deceived " .
24 Steve used to sing backing vocals on it , but he was singing completely different words because he could n't understand what I was on about . ’
25 A familiar disjunction : while we hold on to personal musical favourites dating back over twenty-five years because we still enjoy listening to them , the music which brings on the fiercest nostalgia is often a terrible , loathsome noise with which we think we have nothing in common .
26 A farmer and his wife have been teaching their son at home for over two years because they do n't want him to go to a special school .
27 Would be better if spread over four days because she can not
28 ‘ My colleagues have always ‘ used ’ me to put forward new ideas because I am perceived as one who will take risks in my career , ’ says Linda Hart , the one US-born female manager who took part , now working back in New Orleans .
29 And they have very specific impacts because they all result their effective result on an interaction with a specific receptor and er an activity I would express on that receptor or as a result of the er erm the uptake of the toxins .
30 We 're frightened of what will happen and sometimes we have need to be frightened , you know , they are going to do very different things because they disagree violently with us .
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