Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The final condemnation of the change is that no-one consulted formally these top men in the sport before passing the show-stopping law and , furthermore , that the lawmakers left so much still to be ironed out .
2 The country police were sufficiently confused simply by being in a big city , without adding in all the complex requirements of urban policing under riot conditions .
3 ‘ Villa totally outclassed us in the first half and we were extremely lucky only to be a goal down .
4 The lexicon system provided with the ANLT is sufficiently large however to be of comparable size to that used in the probabilistic system .
5 The seemingly flowery language which people often have to resort to when trying to talk about spiritual experience results from an inability to use religious language as a means of communication ; even if known , it is so likely today to be misunderstood .
6 Well I do n't think it 's , I do n't think it 's terribly good actually to be able to be telling other people who has already been here , erm
7 I 'm so pleased just to be here , I would sleep on a tent on the beach .
8 But the curious pair who for a time were so well-known simply for being rich vanished from the public eye — towards a tax haven in Jersey .
9 Some minerals seem to survive more or less unaltered even after being subject to prolonged weathering , whereas others decompose very rapidly .
10 Andrew Kalman of Crane Kalman of London was immensely relieved just to be out of Britain , commenting ‘ It 's dire .
11 Many of the fragments which go to make up a scoria cone are individually big enough to be called ‘ blocks ’ or ‘ bombs ’ , according to the simple size classification .
12 It was painfully sweet just to be beside him again .
13 To most of those who knew him Henry was just eccentric enough to be terrifyingly normal , and even his carefully calculated bitterness , the quality of which , on the whole , he was most proud , had become , in early middle age , a Nice Dry Sense of Humour .
14 Your actions are most likely then to be remedial .
15 And if he was still alert enough to be insulting , his wound might not be so bad after all .
16 Older people , especially pensioners — more likely anyway to be relatively poor — also depend a lot on mail order , but may buy durables through electricity or gas boards , paying on instalments with their quarterly bills .
17 A remarkable scene on a Nene Valley vessel ( fig. 14.14 ) in the Peterborough Museum shows a scene more likely today to be found in a modern circus .
18 Sociologists have also frequently documented the peculiar strength of the tie between married daughters and their mothers in many communities , and how women are more likely both to be cared for by their families in old age , and to be the carers .
19 Cook 's pioneering excursionists to Scotland were greeted with crowd-lined streets , brass bands and cannon fire because the tourist was still unusual enough to be an entertaining curiosity .
20 ‘ I see you are still human enough to be attracted by a pretty face , my lord , ’ Matilda purred with patently false sweetness .
21 Even the worst of gags will amuse some wally somewhere , though , so here are a few just in case you are ever unlucky enough to be trapped in a lift for days on end with him .
22 Although weight has been increased , the machine is still compact enough to be used in tight corners such as on deep shelving and door frames .
23 It is all the more heart-warming now to be in contact with you and to receive copies of Nonesuch .
24 ‘ The advanced 16v engine delivers real power , and the car is still small enough to be zippy around town . ’
25 But pink suits me , she thought , and what the hell , my hips are still trim enough to be clung to .
26 Popular with older men marrying women in their twenties — still young enough to be entitled to a proper send-off .
27 • Set limits while she 's still young enough to be cooperative .
28 The boys were growing up so fast , but they were still young enough to be intensely impatient at any delay in the opening of the presents , and Dad must have worked hard this morning to persuade them to wait .
29 Celia hoped they were still loyal enough to be decently enthusiastic , even if they found it difficult at first to appreciate the new subtlety of Yorick 's music .
30 In 1962 it was still new enough to be modern but poor enough to be half worn out .
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