Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] some people " in BNC.

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1 It 's a question of just choosing and what you are saying is that you can increase you payback , if I could put it that way , by choosing numbers which are for whatever reason less popular with some people , simply because the payback is larger on those days .
2 That Immigration Officers should be National Front members may seem utterly wrong to some people but not to the Home Office .
3 Then people , for some ideological reason , people might say , well , you know , you ca n't say one form of communication is better than another , so that say , I do n't know , I suppose , a kind of feminist belief is better than Paradise Lost or something — well , it might be more acceptable to some people for various reasons , but I say some writing is more rewarding , ultimately some things are better than other things .
4 It is strange to relate that this short stretch of water should be such a barrier but the hills of Wouldham and village are as foreign to some people of Halling as any parts of the world and in fact there are some who travel all over the country and to some places abroad , but have lived all their lives in the village without ever setting foot on the further banks of the river .
5 Steve Jones ( he speaks specifically about Jones ' zealous christianity ) : " A lot of people are simply uncomfortable with some people 's " over-religiosity " or whatever you call it .
6 This is particularly true for some people over the age of 85 .
7 ‘ It can be quite difficult for some people to give up meat suddenly and Quorn is an easy product to use — it 's also very healthy . ’
8 He can seem a little wild to some people , but we seem to have a way of connecting and there 's hardly any friction between us .
9 It may be just a little too strong for some people .
10 But it was n't everybody that could pay it , it was very hard for some people .
11 He said make-up was all very well for some people , but he hated to see it on girls who were n't the right type — implying I suppose , that I ought to wear woollen stockings and teach in a Sunday school !
12 Above all he was good in the witness box , too good for some people .
13 There you are yes , Even the open door policy can be very stressful for some people .
14 The Senate wants to merge us into University College and we 've been told we 'll have to get rid of some of our staff — it may all be very neat and tidy for the bureaucrats , but it 's going to be absolutely disastrous for some people .
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