Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] i had " in BNC.

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1 These Normandy mosquitoes were the largest and most persistent that I had ever encountered .
2 It took three minutes to erect the inner tent on its first outing but because it was raining constantly , the inner was a little wet before I had a chance to put the flysheet over .
3 It was years later that I realised I really would have to tackle it , but I found it was much easier than I had expected .
4 It would perhaps have been entirely adequate if I had received it in any normal circumstances .
5 The reaction of spectators was less marked than I had expected .
6 I was shaking so much that I had to lift the kettle with two hands when I staggered down the yard .
7 He explained so much that I had not known .
8 This apparently was so serious that I had a sudden joyous hallucination .
9 I had also never before been without a pattern to the future , and I was starting to realize that it might not all be quite so easy as I had imagined .
10 Getting into the Bristol Cancer Help Centre as a resident patient was n't quite so easy as I had imagined .
11 In the end the man became so nervous that I had to hold his arm and literally steer him through the crowd to the right spot .
12 Close up , he looked softer and less fit than I had thought , not so much rugby as darts .
13 I went to see the Postmistress and she said I 've known you all my life , so start work on Monday morning because , you see , it was so quick and I had n't got my references back from the Railway Company but that 's what she said er I can start work on Monday morning .
14 I felt helpless and despairing and suddenly so ill that I had to clutch at the door to stop myself falling .
15 I was feeling much happier than I had for two years .
16 It was much better than I had anticipated — it was wonderful . ’
17 After that they got so frequent that I had to select . ’
18 He was n't exactly nasty to me but I was only sixteen and I had n't done many interviews , and I was nervous .
19 I was so unhappy but I had nowhere else to go so I stayed until the baby was born .
20 While I did not lose interest in this problem it became clear , after observing a series of routine cases , that medical evidence was often far less important than I had previously imagined .
21 That evening I had my first meal since leaving England eighteen hours before ; by the time the pizza , chicken stew and garlicked beans arrived from the kitchen they were cold , but I was so hungry that I had seconds , which amazed Alex .
22 Learning office skills and disciplines was less daunting than I had expected .
23 I was allowed to record each group and I found the transcribing of the tapes less arduous as I had also been able to make notes .
24 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
25 They were both so pleased that I had come , by accident , to make their day perfect .
26 She is smaller and less intimidating than I had imagined her .
27 I demolished it without difficulty , though it was extremely hot and I had recourse to the water when no one was looking .
28 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
29 Everything here seemed so unreal that I had to come to terms with it as soon as possible , so that I can begin work .
30 To begin with I found it almost too much to take on board , but it was all extremely thought-provoking and I had to make a decision to put my heart into it or not to bother at all ; it would have been pointless just to dip into it now and again .
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