Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 For if a garage habitually does half the service its costs are very much lower than if it has done the full service ; and since it can charge the full price , because of the ignorance of the consumer , its pro fits are maximised when it does as little of the service as it can get away with .
2 That did n't help the Black Destroyer , certainly , but it died because I made a mistake , and my power is so strong that when it goes wrong , which is seldom but not never , even those things I have invested with great protective power become vulnerable .
3 It was still bright , highly professional and while it still had a very little life , Kenneth Williams was its king .
4 One well in Bondgate stank so much that when it was drained the decomposed body of a three-month-old baby was found .
5 ‘ No , it 's not the cab , Mr Fitzroy , so much as where it 's been . ’
6 Once mistaken for a joker , he could henceforth be seen as a crank : an important advance in reputation , though this playful and darting mind was seldom so serious as when it was spoofing , or so earnest in intent as when making a joke .
7 It was potentially extremely dangerous and although it had survived since the war it may have been very unstable .
8 He guided Alexandra out of the kitchen and along a passage so dark that if it had not been for his hand on her elbow , she would not have known where she was going .
9 The director then comes up with an interpretation which claims that the dust is so fine that when it enters the lungs it is exhaled again .
10 He hauled the front door open so hard that when it hit the stop the stained-glass panel shattered .
11 An important point to bear in mind when choosing roses for pressing — or any other flowers , for that matter — is that once anything has been flattened it appears much larger than when it is viewed three-dimensionally .
12 The product is not shipping yet , but it seems highly likely that when it is ready to go , DG will also announce support for the NeXTStep 486 object-oriented operating environment on its Dasher personal computers .
13 Burun was amazed to see that the hilt of the weapon was almost entirely unguarded and that it was long enough to permit a double-handed grip .
14 But the virus that killed him is so lethal that once it 's in the lungs it kills one in three of its victims .
15 Your mum said you were n't liking the Smoke much better but that it was alright .
16 ‘ Jill Jones 's album had been on the shelf for so long that when it did come out , it sounded old , ’ she reveals .
17 Julian May 's Jack the Bodiless ( Pan , £4.99 ) was promised for so long that when it finally came out it took everyone by surprise , including the hardback publisher HarperCollins , and it went o.p. within days of publication .
18 Many firms find that the implementation process is not merely complex but that it amplifies strains in the internal politics .
19 I 've left the question of accessibility of the venue until last , not because it 's less important but because it 's one of the most important considerations and impinges on one of the most difficult tasks any event organiser has to face : getting the right number of the right people to come to it .
20 In a climate where what is thought is less important than that it does not deviate from what it is ‘ correct ’ to think , the use of grids can illuminate the unique aspects of individual insight .
21 The air is so thin that when it reaches the highest point medical staff in white coats appear in the carriages to administer oxygen to passengers struck down by the altitude .
22 Berkeley , in his New Theory of Vision , remarks that ‘ the apparent magnitude of the moon , when placed in the horizon , is much greater than when it is in the meridian ’ .
23 This is not to say that practice was unsatisfactory : rather that it was highly variable and that it mostly had little to do with PNP , despite the Authority 's intentions and despite its being written into the job specifications of PNP appointees .
24 Oh , yes , revenge is never so sweet as when it 's deserved .
25 Paul Newman had just secured his first major film role , with Pier Angeli in The Silver Chalice ( which was so bad that when it was shown on television in the Sixties , he took out newspaper advertisements apologising to viewers for having to watch it ) .
26 For the classical man , Polo from Ralph Lauren is deliciously chic and if it 's a designer label you want , there 's Armani and Eau Savage by Christian Dior .
27 It rested on the myth that the peasantry were instinctively socialist and that it was possible for Russia to bypass capitalism , moving directly from semi-feudalism to socialism based on the peasant commune .
28 It is likely that certain crimes have increased not because people have become more dishonest but because it has become easier to commit such crimes .
29 However , in the event you are not likely to want to do that , the embroidery usually looks delightfully spontaneous and if it does n't balance you can generally add an extra petal to help it out .
30 Indeed , an externally " imposed " reform would be welcome as it would be politically more acceptable than if it were initiated solely through domestic pressures .
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