Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If , in addition , I were accompanied by his fifteen soldiers I believed we should be too strong a party to invite attack , while not so strong as to alarm and provoke the tribes .
2 To those who see China in primarily economic terms , the ‘ golden goose ’ argument comes most easily : that its government would never be so foolish as to constrict or repress Hong Kong , the tiny territory which has proved such a powerful catalyst for the growth of its hinterland .
3 And she had looked so well since her marriage , so calm and composed and so Well , not matronly , at any rate , as wicked Lizzie Braithwaite had suggested .
4 So much as sift and ripple it
5 As the foregoing arguments have suggested , control is not imposed so much as negotiated or bargained between parties who both have considerable power resources ( cf. Aharoni 1981a : 1342 ) .
6 It 's much better than hide and seek .
7 Some established approaches may prove less effective than hoped and this can damage morale .
8 Paragraph 610 of the Bar code provides , first : ’ Counsel must not make statements or ask questions which are merely scandalous or intended or calculated only to vilify insult or annoy either a witness or some other person ; counsel must if possible avoid the naming in open Court of third parties whose characters would thereby be impugned ; counsel must not suggest that a witness or other person is guilty of crime , fraud or misconduct or attribute to another person the crime or conduct of which his lay client is accused ’
9 As far as the rift with the Musicians Union is concerned if they are so shortsighted as to condemn and ban everything that has the tag ‘ South African ’ , without even trying to understand , I do n't see much point in having anything to do with them .
10 The 19th century English ocean bill of lading was considerably less abstract and incorporated or merged fewer possessory rights than did its 20th century American counterpart .
11 And the effect for Locke is this , and again I , I quote the legislative being only a fiduciary power , that is to say a power based on trust a fiduciary power to act for certain ends , there remains still in the people a supreme power to remove or alter the legislative when they find the legislative act contrary to the trust imposed in them and thus the community perpetually retains a supreme power of saving themselves from the attempts and designs of every body even if their legislators whenever they shall be so foolish or so wicked as to lay and carry on designs against the liberties and properties of the subject .
12 It rises with the tide , only no one 's so daft as to stay and see how high .
13 Sitting weeping in the bathroom Agnes demanded of herself how she could have been so responsive to every whim of Magill 's mood and so dull but demanding and clumsy with Maxim …
14 Lord how exciting ! and not merely touching and seeing but actually making her .
15 Many people are taken away hooded and chained and are interrogated for several days before being released .
16 The requisite energy-related technologies are either already available or demonstrated and close to commercialization " .
17 The Lilac Fairy is generously slow and controlled and taps her forehead because she is bringing the gift of Wisdom ( the traditional gesture for wise ) .
18 However , Mary was still upset and sulking and would n't have any tea , and with a ‘ so long ’ to Dad she walked out , head held high , just like Mum .
19 Inert , mute , untouchable , she seemed uncanny and prodigious to Rosa , who wanted her to protest the hectic fury all around her , to come alive and give a sign , as , below her , the volunteers hauling the lumbering shrine on their backs on poles criss-crossed and tethered grew more obstreperous and howled and the crowd pressed up and obstructed their laborious way ahead ; after three turns around the piazza they at last reached the platform in the middle , only a little distance from the Duomo they had left , and the sweat-streaked bearers put down the skewed tower on which the Madonna stood , and tumbled to their knees .
20 Rousseau ( 1762 , p.54 ) wrote in Émile : ‘ Childhood has its own ways of seeing , thinking and feeling ; nothing is more foolish than to try and substitute our ways ’ .
21 After spending some time there ( as if we were actually present ) we will gradually come back to the present day , and as we do so we will become more reflective and try and push the present away from us — making it strange — by maintaining a certain distance from our immediate history .
22 A two year study is to take place which will include the consideration of methods of killing that are more acceptable than stabbing or clubbing .
23 You mean that was like funny and working and that ?
24 It gives practical suggestions on how to develop your influencing skills , on how to become more versatile when influencing and on how to choose what tactics are best for the situation .
25 I learned that sex without emotional involvement or more than a fleeting physical attraction was more sad than fulfilling and that ‘ getting even ’ could only motivate me for so long — particularly since my husband was blithely unaware that I was evening the score .
26 There is little to fear from them if they can be closely examined , though they can be rather more deceptive when framed and covered with glass .
27 After a stay at Cedar Falls , you 'll feel totally relaxed and invigorated and ready for anything !
28 The removal-from-play technique was much more effective than scolding or distraction at reducing aggressive episodes .
29 Maslow suggests that human needs operate in a hierarchy , that people are always wanting and expecting and so the satisfaction of one level of the hierarchy stimulates demand for the next level .
30 Additional transactions from the ‘ background ’ random distribution will only make it more unlikely that seeking and processing can be overlapped .
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