Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 It is sad in several ways , not just because it springs from genuine human grief but because poor Uncle Ted , no matter how theologically illiterate he may have been , deserves better .
2 It sounds obvious but some drawings of birds are so odd you 'd have difficulty identifying even a bluetit from them .
3 " I 'm glad for you , my lord , but I expect that as you 're so rich you could have had any woman you wanted .
4 It has to though because if in the pa if they 've had this long-term sort of culture for all this time they need to be given ideas but essentially if their traditional values were so strong they would have rejected what the Communist Party was trying to say , but because they accepted it it meant they ha they did actually have the potential to be revolutionary .
5 I could give them the key to Father 's safe and they 'd be so grateful they 'd have a pair of boots made specially for me .
6 I 'm so hopeless you should have left me behind ! ’
7 If it had n't been so awful it would have been almost comical , the thought that Luke Calder had been virtually accused of kerb-crawling !
8 That 's so awful she could 've killed you .
9 Rab felt so weak he could have cried again .
10 ‘ When we had ascended a little more than half-way , I was much afraid we should have been doomed to return , on account of the masses of rock , over which we had to climb , beginning to increase in size ; we knew , however , that a descent would have been attended with infinite danger , and being urged on partly by eagerness in our pursuit , but more from a desire to be at the top , we determined to brave every difficulty .
11 Several times she 'd caught him staring at her with a warm , smiling expression in his brown eyes , and if she had n't been so sensible it would have made her feel quite wobbly .
12 Above her , the vault seemed so high it should have had rag-clouds like Mars , but it was unearthly white .
13 To Constance 's English eyes , his skin was so brown he might have been an Indian .
14 Impossibly arrogant and handsome , teeth flashing beneath his ebony moustache , so much copied by the young Argentine bloods , black curls flowing from under a very unIrish tartan hat , Juan 's long thighs gripped a bay mare who was so glossy he could have checked his reflection in her quarters .
15 There is a display also of various types of mountain refuge or cabin , from which you can judge how extremely uncomfortable it must have been for those invited by Count Russell to share his quarters on his favourite mountain of Vignemale , for the so-called ‘ Russell ’ is quite the most Spartan of shelters , little more than a hollow scooped out under an overhanging rock .
16 and you 'll be pleased to know that because we 've waffled on for so much we 'll have to save the county 's peculiar pastimes until tomorrow ,
17 Marriage , children — so much you ought to have .
18 I might run on so much you 'll have to stop me
19 The poor bastard was tortured so much he would have confessed to anything . ’
20 There 's so much I ca n't give her — so much she deserves , so much she ought to have .
21 His injuries were so serious he could have died without prompt treatment .
22 His muscles are so wasted his arms are bent double across his chest , his legs are so twisted they would have to be broken to straighten them .
23 ‘ Because if you try to do anything so misguided I might have to give a Press interview to explain just why I got under your skin so badly ! ’
24 Fourteen-year-old RACHEL SEATON was so bored she 'd have rather spent the 30 minutes doing her homework .
25 It seemed so sad I could have cried .
26 We ate in the kitchen , though if my steak had been much bigger we would have had to move into the garage as well .
27 The women who sat beside a single basket of herbs , or wild mushrooms they had gathered that morning in the dew , high in the hills , were tanned so dark they might have washed in walnut juice .
28 Because what the Sale of Goods Act goes on to say is that if the goods contain a fault which is so obvious you should have noticed the fault while you were in the shop , or the shop assistant pointed out the fault to you while you were in the shop , then I do n't think you can really demand money back on that basis .
29 ‘ If I 'd known you were going to be so quick I 'd have given you a lift . ’
30 Intel needs to do some stroking among this class of customer even though Intel defenders claim the P5 schematics designers are using in the absence of silicon are so exact they should have little trouble getting up and running and out the door once the chips are delivered .
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