Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 Young skin is not only thinner but also has fewer pigment cells and is less able to protect itself from the sun .
2 It may be that I find a situation hard to manage because I am apparently unable to prevent myself from reacting with paralysing anger when spoken to in this way .
3 The new deviance writers were naturally anxious to disengage themselves from association with such conservative goals .
4 It is meant for me , Lily thought : hardly able to drag herself from the journey she had just made ( bitter enough surely ? ) into the past .
5 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
6 ‘ Pleased to meet you , ’ Bobby Coul held tightly on to her gloved hands , as much to stop himself from falling as anything else .
7 She was just about to investigate when a long , shuddering breath from the man at her feet reminded her that it might be as well to remove herself from the scene before the winded assailant recovered enough to take his revenge .
8 This would be a counterblast to the growing propaganda of the Left , not only in Oxford but outside — in fact , I suggested that it should be called Counterblast , with Wyndham Lewis 's ‘ puce monster ’ , Blast , in mind — but we were as anxious to dissociate ourselves from the Right .
9 They gave even better against the paramilitary organisations and political groupings of the majority British population which is as instinctively law-abiding as that of any other part of the United Kingdom and probably even quicker to disassociate itself from senseless or politically motivated violence .
10 I had to concentrate very hard to stop myself from running screaming out of the flat .
11 History in these days can be as much a consolation as it can be of an inspiration , and I also believe too that sometimes in life it 's very important to emancipate yourself from the shackles of the past in order to make the kind of decisions which it 's necessary to make in present conditions .
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