Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What am I saying as we sit here talking about this rather strange difficulty that we find ourselves in ?
2 He , in retaliation , has launched against them the most concentrated onslaughts that he has been able to devise .
3 Badly digitised photos that you have to squint at .
4 Hypnotists now often suggest that the subject focuses his attention by staring fixedly at a drawing pin on the wall , while telling him in rather monotonous tones that he is becoming more relaxed and sleepy .
5 So this is that 's why these do n't have the dimples on them , whereas they should have done if they 'd You see so there 's al there 's incredibly subtle things that you can you can pick up .
6 The most revealing anecdote that I can tell you about that is from Coventry .
7 He regarded it as one of my most endearing qualities that I seemed to want nothing from him .
8 I would counsel against taking this imperatival path , first on the rather weak ground that it is not necessary to do so .
9 ‘ It has long been my opinion that you , my dear Shiona , are the most contemptible individual that I have ever encountered . ’
10 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
11 Right another thing that we want to er , want to incorporate is risk or un or uncertainty .
12 In the empire of the Tsars , the twin revolutions offered such a strikingly different alternative that they overshadowed the remarkable changes elsewhere — the disintegration of the Habsburg and Ottoman empires , and the appearance of a host of new States .
13 ‘ He was the most generous person that I have ever met in terms of being prepared to share his ideas , his contacts , his know-how , ’ said Peter Wyman , chairman of the Institute 's Tax Faculty .
14 It is in a rather different sense that it is said of the wicked that they will soon fade like the grass ( Ps 37.2 ) , for there it is not an inbuilt weakness of the human constitution that accounts for the imminent death of the wicked but a fate peculiar to wrongdoers .
15 Salmon have been shown to be capable of the necessary olfactory discrimination , but the most direct evidence that they use their sense of smell comes from experiments , of the kind first performed by W. J. Wisby and A. D. Hasler , in which the salmon 's olfactory sense was impaired .
16 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
17 In the long run I think this is probably the most exciting investment that we have been privileged to have in the town , and this really confirms Telford 's position as number one Japanese investment in the United Kingdom ; we now have 20 companies here .
18 The the the in order to get by pupils writing these er rather immature things that they write on the
19 Taken up with the rather generous terms that he imagined — as it turned out accompanied the post , he accepted .
20 But , you see , this is a most interesting fact that you have noticed .
21 Right some things that you can do then if you 're an A type .
22 But he does come rather near making the rather empty point that it must be wrong to identify good with anything different from itself .
23 Has the Minister any plans to lower the total burden of taxation on the people of this country , which reached its highest levels in the 1980s after the very much lower levels that we experienced under Labour in the 1970s ?
24 When the children clattered , yelling , down the bus steps , their mothers regarded them with a mixture of disgust and pride , as if amazed anew each afternoon that they had managed to produce children of such spectacular offensiveness .
25 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
26 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
27 Thin foil wrappers , for example , contain so little material that it 's not worth the cost of recycling .
28 But vegetarian diets are so much healthier overall that they significantly increase people 's life expectancy .
29 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
30 It was only by convincing political authorities , the religious denominations , and the agents of respectable opinion that they were responsible citizens that showmen were able to retain control of the highly profitable business that they had created .
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