Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I had rummaged this same vessel with my crew after she had arrived at Lowestoft at midnight some weeks previously , with a suspiciously empty fish hold and a dripping wet rubber dinghy on deck .
2 only little children go and see things like Snow White , Peter Pan , Cinderella
3 Extremely fast cars evaporate it is no use changing extremely or fast — we must replace cars or evaporate : Extremely fast cars disintegrate or Extremely fast solvents evaporate .
4 In any case , we have only 18 matches live and need to have some week-by-week continuity , building towards the climax .
5 This is why so many businesses fail and , almost worse , why so many linger on with the craftsman under-rewarded and never developing his full potential .
6 I 've seen so many people come and go who 've put on this act of caring and it does n't last a week .
7 I 'm sure that 's why so many people compromise and end up in relationships which they do n't really want to be in .
8 So many empires come and gone
9 Do all small objects float and large ones sink ?
10 The first 16-bit generation was won hands-down by MS-DOS with Macintosh System in second place — and winning a moral victory by setting the agenda for what should have been the 32-bit generation but in effect became the second 16-bit generation , which seems to have been won by Microsoft Windows , even though for the majority , MS-DOS is all most people want or use .
11 Thereafter normal rates apply and coverage continues up to any age .
12 Still some people go and stop and have a look at it like .
13 Sometimes there can be complications , and forceps have to be used to pull the baby out , or other more serious problems arise and a Caesarean section is performed .
14 Short and purposeful like that of the Spitfire , it pivots side-to-side about its middle , its intricately-moulded grip festooned with triggers , buttons and switches for machine-guns , rockets , inboard and outboard pylon stores as well as the more conventional radio transmit and elevator trim — or should I say , ruddervator trim , because this characterful column controls Harry Prew-Smith 's V-tailed Fouga Magister .
15 More sophisticated versions argue or imply that there can be no excuse for their actions , that they have lost whatever case they had by their conduct .
16 The normality of the following sentences is therefore evidence that the collocationally unique elements gnash and purse are semantic constituents of the expressions gnash the teeth and purse the lips , respectively :
17 Their scales fall off , the once powerful muscles dwindle and they die .
18 However , certain operations are inherently asymmetrical , the most important being subtract and divide .
19 People who want to become the King 's most important officials jump and dance on this rope , and whoever jumps highest without falling gets the best job .
20 Many commentators in the United States believe that the gap between the two growth rates will actually widen as electronic markets mature and as they are enriched by the added values of multimedia .
21 Now all schools try and communicate with parents about these things , but parents do n't always perceive what the schools are doing erm in , in the way that the schools would like .
22 The position of women has changed , and now more women work and want to earn a pension in their own right .
23 The views of councillors , officers , members of the public and the ombudsmen themselves will be sought and practices will be examined to see how far general principles emerge and how far recommendations for some improvement in the current situation might be possible .
24 It is sensible , however , to check with editors of really specialist publications wether or not they can use a good picture .
25 Today many Madeirans live and work in Venezuela .
26 You 've got to think about something , thinking is very hard , you ca n't just sit all day and do it , even religious solitaries read and say prayers , when the human mind goes beyond anything perceivable there 's no proof any more .
27 Beneath the awnings little toy people chat and listen to the music of harpists .
28 So you are essentially assuming that there 's no skill in football pools , that it 's essentially a random process and sometimes some teams win and sometimes they do n't , but there 's no overall skill in it .
29 Around 90,000 people trek and climb in Nepal every year .
30 Sometimes environmental factors change and necessi-tate significant reappraisals of the organization 's nature : consumer interests and demands , work force , technology , telecommunication , and competition .
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