Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] into [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the early decades of the century it had been widely assumed that the distinct geographical provinces of the modern world had only come into existence quite recently in geological terms .
2 Having been manually entered into FDC locally , the data is transferred to the head office over the telephone line , via a dedicated BT line and Mercury dial-up lines .
3 When I brought him the food he pushed it away and suddenly burst into tears all over again .
4 We do not , on the Cavell model , first discover certain truths about an object and then conclude that it is a person ; we first acknowledge the person and only inquire into facts later if necessary .
5 That 's put you in your place , my girl ; Roman had n't even enquired how she was — their lovemaking had already vanished into limbo as far as he was concerned .
6 ‘ We are not against pay rises , but people have got to sensible , ’ he said , defending the three per cent ceiling on pay rises which has just come into force here .
7 The Meta PI routines are available to any LIFESPAN user , provided that user is not already logged into LIFESPAN either interactively or via PI or PMR .
8 I thought I might have problems here , because the inside mitre on the four outer glazing bars created a slight undercut for assembling the curved outer members in the horizontal plane , but I found that by locating the curved members on the bottom rail first , then swinging the tops in on a slight curve , they just clicked into place nicely .
9 What , now , of Falkenhayn 's promise that the infantry would just walk into Verdun once the artillery had done its stuff ?
10 DARLINGTON 'S long awaited pedestrianisation scheme finally comes into force today .
11 You were always getting into trouble then . "
12 Damned , Ramones — I always get into things too late ! ’
13 There are many ways of calculating the APR , but it should always take into account upfront fees , which building societies do n't usually charge .
14 Some ancient trees before the house were still cut into fashions as formal and unnatural as the hoops and wigs and stiff skirts .
15 But although test boreholes were successfully sunk at Altnabreac in Caithness in November 1975 , the programme quickly ran into opposition elsewhere .
16 The women 's union quickly ran into trouble though .
17 The search for survivors from the Sankichi Maru was still in progress when the Taiwanese vessel Delima 120 also got into difficulties about 1000 km ( 700 miles ) east of Auckland .
18 She would probably fall into slumber tonight if the devil himself were to share the room with her .
19 Isabel stepped back so she would n't bump into the girl and instantly cannoned into fitzAlan instead .
20 It does n't automatically boot into Windows then ?
21 Cairns-Smith 's view of the DNA/protein machinery is that it probably came into existence relatively recently , perhaps as recently as three billion years ago .
22 Also coming into effect tomorrow are the Manual Handling Operations Regulations , which require employers to assess any risk of manual handling injury to workers .
23 These policies might be concerned to promote trade-union conditions , health and safety policies , or equal opportunities for women or black workers ; but they might also stray into areas far removed from the purpose of the contract .
24 Wallace and Deane look like the ideal combination as once they start passing to wallace it makes space for deane to also run into space so give HIM the variety too .
25 John also travelled into town alone by bus for the lessons ; Herbert made him very independent .
26 Er this is clearly go going to become an important schedule and I think it you will inevitably run into difficulties here on different definitions of allocations for example .
27 As we have seen , it is probable that pairs of virtual particles — one of matter , one of antimatter — spontaneously pop into existence all over the Universe .
28 The services are often put into operation very quickly .
29 Others presumably went into employment thus joining the pool of potential young mature age entrants .
30 That beer swilling , tattooed , sexist monstrosity which is fast heading into extinction anyway .
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