Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] them [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At this stage we merely introduce them in passing ; we will return to them in greater detail later on .
2 They rejoice that their pews are full , without facing the sobering fact that they are only filling them by emptying someone else 's .
3 Education can make people more productive while health can only prevent them from becoming less productive .
4 ( c ) There was an additional reason for considering that there was no infringement of article 52 : the criterion of the owner 's nationality did not prevent nationals of other member states from establishing themselves in the United Kingdom to operate fishing vessels — it only prevented them from doing so under the British flag .
5 Oliver was very surprised to see all this , and greatly admired them for controlling their sadness so well .
6 He does not chase the monkeys , but only keeps them from settling .
7 He was among the founders of the Association of Cricket Statisticians in 1973 , playing a prominent role in their series of publications on the players of each first-class county and producing the A to Z of Cricket Records in 1976 : ‘ I had seen a book on the football records and persuaded the publisher to try a similar volume on cricket records — not only listing them by explaining them .
8 But not for the Americans , nor the British who were not bombed heavily enough to prevent them from turning the experience into a basis for a cosy national myth .
9 This effectively prevented them from interfering in matters of state , or fomenting rebellion .
10 In other words , controlling as he did the nominations to all learned appointments in whichever of the areas he was then kazasker , he would urge young scholars to enter the relative dead end of the career of kasabat kadi and thereby prevent them from passing up through the ranks of medreses to become candidates for mevleviyets and thus rivals to his own position .
11 The extreme toxicity of their venom enables them to kill their main prey — eels — very rapidly and thus prevent them from wriggling free .
12 ‘ But how can President Aquino overhaul the leadership of the armed forces after she has already commended them for putting down the coup ? ’ asks a congressman and former military officer , Mr Bonifacio Gillego .
13 If she could just keep them from swimming out of focus …
14 Owen normally took them for granted .
15 You will easily spot them by carrying out the title/verso exercise .
16 We owe them a great deal and can best repay them by finding a political solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland .
17 The mace was particularly favoured by militant churchmen , who argued that although the scriptures forbade the shedding of blood , and thus precluded them from wielding swords , the mace was a crushing implement and thus avoided such religious bans altogether .
18 Can I give them a more entertaining life indoors to stop them from going out so much ?
19 Many teachers feel that their training inadequately prepares them for dealing with behaviour problems in schools ( Mongon 1984 ) .
20 And , however bad their crimes against us were , they always justified them by saying ours were worse .
21 Her parents offered no explanation when police boarded their plane at Chicago airport yesterday to arrest them for abandoning their children .
22 She had always felt insulated from pain with him , as if the condoms served to forever prevent them from getting unhealthily close .
23 No , I 've always admired them for doing it their own way and getting away with it all the way to the end .
24 Although the so-called Toleration Act of 1689 meant that Dissenters were no longer being persecuted for their beliefs , they were still denied full civil rights , since the continued existence of the Test and Corporation Acts technically banned them from holding political office .
25 Dorothy alone remained a still centre , and when in January 1795 Wordsworth was left £900 in the will of Raisley Calvert , a young friend and admirer who had died of tuberculosis , there seemed nothing further to prevent them from realizing their hopes of a life together .
26 The other is the note in Appendix F , which says that some hobbit-names have been retained by Tolkien without translation , ‘ though I have usually anglicized them by altering their endings , since in Hobbit-names a was a masculine ending , and o and e were feminine . ’
27 Consisting of ‘ but one meane streete , and but a very meane chirche , it also resembled them in lying , like many another market town , amidst its own open fields .
28 If the deposits begin to build up ( from taxation ) , the government will probably spend them on paying back government debt .
29 When two angels , again in disguise , met Lot in Sodom , he also welcomed them by bowing to the ground once ( 19.1 ) .
30 Do you think that teachers really do n't expect them to do well in the sciences and perhaps even positively discourage them from going into science ?
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