Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their rooms at the Royal Albion Hotel were just a few doors from each other and it was Ken 's job to see that she always had her mug of cocoa before going to bed — and indeed that she was warmly tucked up at the right time for a lady of her years and responsibilities .
2 Noreen suddenly looked up at the Italian woman .
3 He only glances up at the television occasionally , as he is intent on finishing these as quickly as possible in order to give himself ti me to write a letter home to his wife .
4 ‘ The sandwiches 'll be all curled up at the edges , ’ his mum complained .
5 The impromptu petition was apparently drawn up at a dinner given by the Society of Dilettanti and sent to the Arts Minister , Mr Richard Luce .
6 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
7 In several European countries there were disclosures during November concerning clandestine anti-communist units , apparently set up at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and intended to lie dormant for activation in the event of a communist takeover .
8 In summary , I am looking for a jacket which is wind and water proof , breathable , looks respectable enough to turn up at the office in , and offers conspicuity .
9 He had n't rung to make an appointment , better to turn up at the door and press the bell like any other cheapskate private detective .
10 Yeah , I 'll have it in a minute I 'm all glued up at the moment .
11 Er but again y'know I could in theory provide some handouts for you which you could perhaps pick up at the end of the er of the lecture from the front or even have available in a general office for you , okay ?
12 That is , people tend to forget either in a motivated way , or accidentally , people will tend to minimise or trivialise the abuse to which they 've been subject in some cases because maybe saying that you 've been sexually abused as a child and that is why you 're so screwed up at the moment um that 's not necessarily a very self-benefiting thing to say .
13 The way the ground just curled up at the edges until you lost sight of it , we could n't have crept up on a hunk of soya . ’
14 ‘ A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
15 A grey car , immaculately clean , was just pulling up at the gate and a big man in a plain grey suit was getting out to open it .
16 She had n't got this far nor worked this hard just to give up at the thought of some sort of opposition .
17 Just getting up at the start of the day without complaining , is an achievement .
18 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
19 Mr Mounsa , 47 , was ordered to strip off the wallpaper he had just put up at the house in Toxteth .
20 Alyssia smiled back and wondered whether she should pretend that she had somehow ended up at the wrong address .
21 I normally throw up at the mere mention of footy management , but Soccer Rivals is darn good .
22 " They 're not exactly queuing up at the door , though , are they ? "
23 He usually sits up at the window .
24 If you 've ever looked up at a stage and seen a strange device with an illuminated spinning dial and wondered what it was , chances are it was a strobe tuner .
25 It always came up at the very worst of times .
26 We can always finish up at the Boar if things do n't improve . ’
27 He was n't the prettiest sight you would see on a golf course but , since he always turned up at the practice ground the following morning more or less on time and more or less clean-shaven , it was obvious that he patronised his own circuit of cheap guesthouses .
28 We talked of toxic wastes ; the possibility of there ever being true democracy in Tonga ( ‘ on paper the place is ripe for revolution , it is true , and our friends in the other islands are experiencing troubled times , so we must be wary ’ ) ; the complaints about corruption among the Tongan nobility , the curious business arrangements engineered between members of the royal family and the dubious Americans who were forever fetching up at the palace doorstep wishing to bend a royal ear to this scheme or that , with wealth and fame for all ; and the most surprising news : his decision to demolish the royal palace .
29 After a few moments he began walking , pausing once to look up at the grand facade of the Shelbourne .
30 Things do n't look likely to improve , since recruits are hardly piling up at the door .
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