Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two mills were thus run in tandem by Marling and Co from 1883 to 1920 , when they eventually sold out to P.C. Evans and Sons Ltd .
2 It is history now how he followed that perfectly shaped tee shot by greening a sumptuous 4-iron — only to lose out to Nick Faldo 's answering birdie as the Open champion holed a 15-footer on which the engines had cut out long before it dropped .
3 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
4 No comment is worth making on this bizarre suggestion , except perhaps pointing out to Professor Drife that a beard is n't precisely the right analogy .
5 In several towns rioting broke out , rioting for peace , and Nazis found themselves the victims of the kind of abuse and maltreatment they normally handed out to others .
6 No no no she 's just going out to daughter .
7 As I was no longer going out to work , I had plenty of thinking time … even a holiday with , , & that Autumn to U.S.A / Bahamas ( retirement treat ) was blighted .
8 just to point out to members that the promised report on the lorry management plan which is in the first preparation has been put back to the January committee meeting on the Highways Committee so that we can get full advantage from the traffic and
9 Last year 's Best Actor contest saw Tom Cruise and Daniel Day Lewis competing wheelchair-to-wheelchair , with Cruise 's Ron Kovics ( Born on the Fourth of July ) just losing out to Day Lewis 's Christy Brown ( My Left Foot ) .
10 Susceptible to malaria , and having recently had open-heart surgery , Vanne can no longer go out to Africa ; but when Jane visits the UK she stays with her mother in Bournemouth .
11 we should just go out to Prontaprint and invoice him for
12 May I just point out to members that er , we are making , Smallwood are making a very considerable contribution this time .
13 Thank you Chairman , could I I just point out to members that the working ground information on existing flight levels being made publicly available is already included in the little resolution , resolution little six on your original paper , ballot example .
14 Thank you and I think I 'd like to just point out to Mr .
15 ( a ) Facing Eyemouth sea-front , turn left along esplanade , joining beach at Dolphin Hotel ( which is to left ) ; leave beach by prominent path up on to cliff-top , and then keep along top of cliffs ignoring left forks , with caravan site on left and soon diverting out to headland ( with cannons ) ( b ) .
16 Having just lost out to Alan Alda in 1966 for the forthcoming Broadway comedy The Apple Tree , directed by Mike Nichols , but nonetheless now confirmed as a top off-Broadway character actor , Dustin landed the lead in Livings ' Eh ? , which had had a great success at the Aldwych Theatre , London , in Peter Hall 's Royal Shakespeare Company production exactly two years previously .
17 They just come out to Jamaica , scratch out a nest and lay eggs that hatch into pink ’ ’ Jamaicans . ’
18 The wretched Lord Fraser , the Lord Advocate of Scotland , was ordered to read out ‘ results ’ of his police inquiry which were completely different from those already read out to newspapers all over the world …
19 But that is quite useful to show what we 've already paid out to women ,
20 Nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether ; sewage eventually floats out to sea .
21 Changes taking place around you will eventually work out to y our benefit .
22 BOMB DISPOSAL specialists were yesterday called out to beaches on the south-west coast of Scotland after Second World War phosphorus canisters believed to be from an undersea dump were washed ashore .
23 He was usually invited out to lunch , resumed work or attended a concert in the evening , and then went to see Constanze , when her mother ( who was often drunk ) berated both of them .
24 ‘ Where fishermen once set out to sea , now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores . ’
25 Where fishermen once set out to sea , now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores .
26 I once went out to dinner and discovered that the seven other people present had all just finished reading A Dance to the Music of Time .
27 Because the women in my family and most families in Scotland had always gone out to work .
28 He worked at Sotheby 's and , as Louise gushingly pointed out to Constance after their first meeting , ‘ He knows absolutely everybody , darling .
29 The Americans also spelt out to Serb warlords that attacks on British troops will be met with America 's full military might .
30 This was most enjoyable and , rejuvenated by the visit , we emerged comfortable winners in Regina and confidently flew out to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior — a fascinating flight over vast stretches of snow bound forests , frozen lakes and rivers .
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