Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] she would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If Carson had been predictably agreeable and obviously interested she would have accepted the lift and that , apart perhaps from the promise of a follow-up lunch some time , would have been the end of it .
2 During the course of the hearing before us , however , it became clear , as Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. has explained , that unless W. submitted to treatment of the kind which she had hitherto refused she would begin to suffer irreversible harm within a week .
3 Caspar was shouting to her not to struggle , because it would only mean she would sink quicker , but Fenella was struggling fiercely , because she could not just give in .
4 Jane Pargeter probably just thought she would fulfil her petty revenge and leave Jim Lancaster to have a row with his pushy wife .
5 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
6 Now he just wished she would leave him alone .
7 After lunch he took her to the shops in the wide , tree-lined avenues , and though from time to time she was out of his sight she had no doubt whatever that he still thought she would rush off to telegraph news to her magazine if she got half a chance .
8 No one ever thought she would go voluntarily .
9 A 27-YEAR-OLD British woman charged with heroin smuggling in Thailand yesterday said she would plead guilty .
10 He also thought she would have looked younger and fitter .
11 She knew what he wanted before he spoke , and also knew she would have to give it to him .
12 If when you and Pete had that trouble , if our Margaret had er been working , I honestly think she would have left Pete .
13 She also said she would try to communicate more openly with her close relatives and friends .
14 She also said she would find out more information about a few of them for me .
15 Again Fabia was reminded how this man must really think she would go behind his back to get information about him from his secretary , and her heart settled to an angry beat .
16 Did Dana really think she would tell her ?
17 She felt a returning surge of anger — after all that had been said , did he really think she would sleep with him ?
18 He loved her so much , and took such good care of her , that I really thought she would recover .
19 Always a resourceful woman , Ada Gaily knew she would come up with the solution .
20 She even promised she would speak to Albert and see what could be done in the way of money .
21 Mrs Robinson , who became Ireland 's first woman president in 1990 , has frequently said she would like to visit the Royal Family and receive visits from them in return .
22 One of the ladies taking part in the ‘ Patterning Course ’ was making a Fair Isle garment and knitted the front and back in pattern and then decided she would knit the sleeves in stocking stitch .
23 He rather hoped she would complain so he could point out that incontestable fact .
24 Nutty privately thought she would have the worst score of the lot .
25 Ruth hysterically thought she would like this on film because you could n't look at three people at once in such a terrible situation without missing something .
26 She 's just come out of Saint Mary 's did n't do as well as she thought , or everybody else hoped she would do in her A levels , so is now retaking one .
27 She had gone to his room ready to play the wanton , certainly believing she would have to seduce him into her arms , and there had been an undercurrent of panic at this .
28 She had never thought she would see Alain .
29 When Waterford Wedgwood Canada 's Gail Lilly volunteered to help out in a major international athletics event , she never dreamed she would find a pen-pal who would write to her from the other side of the world .
30 ‘ I never dreamed she would take it like that , ’ whispered Mrs Alderley in a shocked tone .
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