Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think you 'd better work with me for the next few days , or if I 'm not here , then with one of my staff nurses .
2 What I could do is play a record but er I ca n't remember so bear with me for a moment .
3 He may perhaps speculate with me on whether the widely reported drop in standards of literacy among children of school-leaving age can in any way be connected with the massive dispersals and changes which have taken place in these educational libraries .
4 So join with me in wishing our members a happy birthday
5 Nevil just walked with me about a foot off the floor until I hit the table with my stomach .
6 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
7 Just come with me for a minute , please , ’ he said .
8 Man , she hardly registered with me at all . ’
9 Will you really stay with me for all time , be my wife ? ’
10 And yet tonight , in the quiet of this room , I find that what really remains with me from this first day 's travel is not Salisbury Cathedral , nor any of the other charming sights of this city , but rather that marvellous view encountered this morning of the rolling English countryside .
11 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
12 What principally weighs with me in thinking that Lord Coke made a mistake of fact is my conviction that all men of business , whether merchants or tradesmen , do every day recognise and act on the ground that prompt payment of a part of their demand may be more beneficial to them than it would be to insist on their rights and enforce payment of the whole .
13 What I was going to suggest then , Chairman , in the light of , in a sense a change of , a change of thought by me over the Christmas period , in a way it 's probably best it happened , is to ask if we could , because I 'm , I 'm keen that , this kind of different kind of strategy , there is a , there is a member ownership of the strategy , rather than just put something to you , that you would then have to , you know you , you have the paper in front of you , it 's a thirty page document , and you decided is actually to suggest that you have actually a , a , a member group of , of , of a few members , perhaps three or four members , erm , to actually work with me on this , in the development of that strategy , so there was actually a member involvement , because it 's straying more into the political field .
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