Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , conventional hospital wards are rarely designed with people with mental disorder in mind and , even when they are purpose-built , they do not provide a suitable environment for at least three groups of people listed below .
2 In this perspective , it was industrialization and urbanization which triggered those processes and which led ultimately to a weakening of family ties , and especially ties with kin outside the so-called ‘ conjugal family ’ composed of a couple and their immature children ( Morgan , 1975 , ch. 2 ; Harris , 1983 , chs. 6–8 ) .
3 In 1989 , 20% were first marriages for one partner only compared with 12% in 1971 .
4 But we do not only communicate with people with whom we share our personal lives .
5 Also in New Guinea are sympatric birds of paradise apparently dealing with fruit in a similar way , staying in the trees for only a few minutes , perhaps through fear of predators .
6 A spot of work here and there , liberally interspersed with rendezvous with an old flame ?
7 This has remained for five generations in the same family , and roughly speaking with headquarters on the same site , whereas Smith 's ownership has passed through several families and occupied many addresses before settling in 1921 on 57–61 St Vincent Street .
8 It is often combined with data from other sources , especially informal or unstructured interviewing .
9 Joint supervision is regularly arranged with staff from related departments , for example : Economics , Sociology , Geography , Politics , History , and Criminology .
10 On his returns to England , Edward more and more frequently mixed with people of like opinion , many of them friends or associates of politicians .
11 First , acyclovir triphosphate might simply compete with dGTP for a binding site on the polymerase enzyme , and so prevent the proper incorporation of dGTP into DNA .
12 Governors are increasingly provided with data on pupil performance , these results need to be placed in a context which reflects the socio-economic background of the pupils and other factors which effect pupil performance .
13 All were then fertilised with sperm from her husband .
14 ‘ Of course , you can never tell with people like that . ’
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