Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would only make for more difficulties later on .
2 If I analyse the bosses I 've worked for , the ones who irritated me the most were the ones who were indecisive and who constantly asked for more information just to delay making a decision .
3 This view is held by Mr Leahy ; it is expressed most forcibly by Jeffrey Sachs , a Harvard economist who has advised the Russians and long argued for more aid .
4 Teachers have long called for more opportunity to get on with what they regard as quintessentially " their " work ; they should normally welcome the opportunity to off-load tasks which can just as effectively be performed by other people .
5 She suggested they would do better if they only sat five exams and spent the rest of their time on work which could give them a much broader education than just swotting for more GCSEs .
6 We can reveal in a world exclusive that they are already looking for more places to fly to — together .
7 Just ask for more details .
8 Regardless of the amount of time involved it seems likely that staff will always opt for more time if this is offered to them .
9 ‘ We are always looking for more employers to become involved and anyone who wants to support our work is welcome to get in touch . ’
10 But the UK , the most down-market of the three centres , was always pleading for more banality , fearing to risk losing touch with the moderate market who comprised the core customers .
11 They must still compete for more seats and they must still risk Points of Order .
12 Polytechnic directors yesterday called for more government funding .
13 We hope that woodworkers of all types will send in their wheezes , as readers are always asking for more tips .
14 We hope that woodworkers of all types will send in their wheezes , as readers are always asking for more tips .
15 After 12 months the relevant authorities are still asking for more copies of the plans that were submitted about nine months ago .
16 The revival by the Party of an old Mao maxim , ‘ Seeking from facts ’ , also allowed for more flexibility in the political sphere and rejection of political dogma .
17 I also look for more wit and charm in ‘ La sérénade interrompue ’ ( I query the D natural six bars before the end , too ) , ‘ La danse de Puck ’ and ‘ Minstrels ’ , all of which are taken slower than usual .
18 The funds will also pay for more research into the Earth and marine sciences , and for the study of the upper atmosphere ( New Scientist , 18 November 1982 , p 406 ) .
19 The resolutions also call for more airtime for programmes dealing with women 's issues , and for the introduction of media education in schools .
20 She ate it quickly and then , clearly hoping for more sugar , she followed Lord Pabham out of the room .
21 Employment problems now account for more claims than any other factor , according to LPG , who in one recent case picked up a £13,000 legal costs bill for an accountant dismissed by Lambeth Council .
22 Due to an increasing demand for the morale boosting treatment , the Red Cross is now looking for more Hand Care and Beauty Care volunteers to spend half a day each week with patients in local hospitals .
23 At PIL , currently dealing with Blundstone , Terra , Royer and Hard Yakka and now looking for more names , co-director Peter Caplow is adamant that things are still in their infancy .
24 Feminist psychologists , responding to this interest , often call for more studies of working-class women and men , and for class balance in samples .
25 that 's why all these people can now ask for more money .
26 Elena has now returned for more plastic surgery and although her family does not have to pay for the treatment , there will be hefty travelling expenses to meet during the next few years .
27 This latter implicitly calls for more funding and hence an even more costly burden of regulation .
28 They 're simply asking for more money to spent with no concerns about the value for money , and surely it was the Conservatives who used to tell us ten or fifteen years ago , that you could n't judge the quality of a service by the amount of money spent on it .
29 Please contact for more information .
30 If anyone is interested in taking on such a position or helping out , please contact for more details .
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