Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [subord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I could only presume that as this was April they were concerned with spawning and were only doing all the strange things that other species do when pre-occupied with that activity .
2 I suddenly realized that unless one of the off duty staff had returned very early , there could be no one on board . ’
3 ‘ I was only called that because all I had when I came here was my duffle coat . ’
4 One can only hope that since these are resources being created by scholars who are interested in the dissemination and preservation of scholarship that their broad distribution and usage will enhance the likelihood of their preservation .
5 To gauge the extent to which the railway transformed migration patterns we need only note that whereas 40,000 migrants per annum travelled east between 1887 and 1892 , 250,000 per annum migrated after the Russo-Japanese War .
6 For it is clearly not enough to say that if two things are observed simultaneously in different spatial positions , then they are two , not one , even though they might be completely alike .
7 Not really I just say that because one er person who completed a questionnaire was quite er was quite nasty in their comments and er it is n't really appropriate when people are volunteers .
8 We have thus shown that if two elements of unc have non-trivial intersection then they are actually equal .
9 It is normally assumed that because each eye projects to both hemispheres any imbalance between the two eyes is adequately controlled .
10 National Power and PowerGen have already indicated that when these contracts fall due , they are keen to diversity into other supply fuels , especially gas and cheap imported coal .
11 You have just learnt that when any two angles add up to 180° they are called supplementary .
12 Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos was lightning , then he 'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting ‘ All gods are bastards ’ .
13 Unlike Miliband , who was trying to argue that there was scope in the short term for autonomous state action , Poulantzas ( while recognising that policies against the dominant class and other sectors of capital was possible ) was still insisting that when this did occur it would always be functional for the long-term survival and hegemony of the monopoly sector .
14 The agreement usually provides that if necessary consents have not been obtained , the contract or asset will not be transferred to the acquirer but the acquirer will perform the contract or enter the property ( subject to the terms of the lease ) as the agent of the offeree .
15 As Rivera reached the door Schellenberg added , ‘ I need hardly say that if one word of this leaks out you will end up in the River Spree , my friend , and your cousin in the Thames .
16 Does he further agree that if that proportion were to be raised to 20 per cent. , overnight every household bill would rise by 50 per cent ?
17 Jones further argues that if central government believes it can not or should not perform a particular public function , ‘ it would be better if it decentralised not to technocratic quangos but to directly elected local governments ’ .
18 The police also stress that although many town centres are sealed at night controversy rarely arises .
19 He also realized that if large-scale economic and social organization on Marxist lines was ever to replace the small-scale realities of early Soviet life and improve the volume of exchange of goods between manufacturing plants and the villages , then efficient railways would serve as the thin edge of the wedge .
20 However , they also suggest that while this study can be used to support the view that university residence tends to reduce the probability of non-completion , the possibility that the residence factor may be acting as a proxy for other university characteristics , can not be dismissed ) .
21 Brennan and McGeevor ( 1985 ) have also reported that while non-standard entrants do particularly well in the humanities and social sciences , they are less successful in mathematics and psychology .
22 The survey also found that while 58 per cent of drivers suggested fitting an " autocatalyst " to help reduce air pollution , only 2 per cent of those questioned had done so .
23 He also added that when this is achieved South Africa will stand back to nobody .
24 The same horseman also revealed that if this particular device had been used there was no need to use a neutralizing substance .
25 But this has also ensured that when these structures become racialized , elders and women become mobilized around the defence of public proprieties while male youth become locked in struggles for territorial dominance .
26 The committee also believed that while corporate management had implications for both councillors and officers , the structure applicable to one side was not applicable to the other .
27 The data presented here also imply that before any conclusions are drawn on biological effects obtained through point mutations in tRNAs , it should be investigated if the base-modification pattern was altered and if such alterations might have been the primary cause of the biological observed effect .
28 Could I agree with that can I also suggest that if that happens because erm also at some of these seminars are impossible with meetings because we can , we can try and concentrate on on days where , where ready would actually help the attendance because er
29 It might also suggest that if fat people have psychological problems , these may well be a result of the obesity , or at most a contributory factor .
30 It is also known that whilst some companies provide only the minimum information required by law , other companies provide additional information voluntarily .
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