Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 A year ago Dorothy had been in the first , ominous stages of her illness , furiously denying that anything could be wrong , her normal ill temper exacerbated by discomfort and increasing disability .
2 Another friend of mine , a man who spent most of his adult life looking after his elderly parents until they both died within a year of each other , came home from work one evening and suddenly realised that he could go to the cinema and have a meal out without worrying about anyone else .
3 She was smiling , and Paul suddenly realised that he could not take money from her .
4 As Sir Arthur Bryant has so vividly put it , ‘ That life of scholarship and labour , with the tireless hand writing amid the intervals of prayer and teaching , sometimes so frozen that it could hardly grip the pen , is one of the proud memories of England . ’
5 But now , with her fires so stoked that she could no longer contain them , her messages were confused .
6 This would be possible , Lenin believed , because the majority of state administrative functions had become so simplified that they could be ‘ reduced ’ to such simple operations as registering , filing and checking — mere routine .
7 He raised his black eyebrows in a look so disbelieving that she could only repeat what she 'd said .
8 ‘ Because they were clever enough to know that they could n't , ’ Jessamy said a trifle bitterly .
9 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
10 They have suggested that the powerpack would be so designed that it could readily be repaired and with suitable maintenance would be capable of running for some 20 years .
11 Having been warned off Channel 7 by Pannells , he contacted the Institute only to find that it could not approve the service .
12 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
13 His head was long and bony , and so shaped that you could see all the contours of the skull beneath the skin .
14 He had quite rightly decided that he could do no good by playing with the Huns at 20,000 feet , so came down to see that none of them got me . ’
15 He apparently forgot that I could not understand German or else decided that what he wanted to say could not be left unsaid , for he began to talk fast and seriously .
16 That 's something I do n't sa , not so matter that I could have told him !
17 He bristled , suddenly angered that she could think this of him , after all he had done to purify himself for her .
18 ‘ Wow , ’ Wayne said , obviously wishing that he could stay in the front and eavesdrop .
19 The regions are far too big and complex to be handled from Detroit and even if they were foolish enough to believe that they could do it more effectively — which they ca n't — they would be crazy to try . ’
20 A Maestro was needed ; a magician arrogant enough to believe that he could succeed where Christos and innumerable other sorcerers , most lost to history , had failed .
21 The Rosenblooms had long known that they could take her with them anywhere in society .
22 By the end of the first lesson some medics seemed so confused that they could not explain the difference between an arrowhead formation and a reef knot .
23 Ruth struggled for words , her mind so confused that she could n't rein a coherent thought to the surface .
24 Claudia was so exhausted that she could hardly remain upright .
25 But there were times when he had to hold his tongue , if only to ensure that he could keep on using this fool for his own ends .
26 In addition to the success of the LDP in broadly maintaining its position , its PKO allies — the DSP and Komeito — also performed well enough to ensure that they could continue to offer the LDP an overall majority in the upper house .
27 His films were popular enough to ensure that he could attract US cash well into the 1970s .
28 Nevertheless , he was a man prudent enough to realise that he could not antagonise the entire civil service .
29 You see , I suddenly felt that I could n't bear it , not knowing where they were going to be for the next three and a half weeks ( though in retrospect I doubt whether the location of the groom much perturbed me ) .
30 She went from being childish , not caring for social conventions and so spoilt that she could follow any whim she liked , to realising how nai ‘ 3vely and shameful her ‘ rebellion ’ really was .
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