Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm there is a further implication in this conception , and again I quote whosoever therefore out of a state of nature unite into a community must be understood to give up all the power necessary to the ends for which they unite into a society to the majority of the community unless they expressly agreed in any number greater than the majority and this is done where are we by barely agreeing to unite into one political society which is all the compact that is or needs to be between the individuals that enter into or make up a commonwealth .
2 If one were to peruse the extensive range of surveys of the applications of the rational expectations hypothesis to macroeconomics , one would come across a different framework of analysis , one which is so widely accepted that it is rarely explained in any detail , still less is its theoretical basis probed critically or its conclusions called into question .
3 When the Rump was restored in May , he appeared before it to urge that the government ‘ may not be too long trusted in any man 's hands : that it may not be perpetuated to men ’ .
4 We are so lacking in any form of racism that we never actually noticed . ’
5 This is unfortunate , for there is evidence that much more effective methods of tackling the problem can be adopted , without necessarily undermining in any way the principle of parental responsibility .
6 It is rare that a large crowd — and there must , he calculated , have been at least two thousand there — is entirely united in any mood .
7 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
8 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
9 Nzo had said on the ANC 's 78th anniversary on Jan. 8 that the ANC would continue its armed struggle , and would only participate in any process of negotiations if it enjoyed equal political opportunities with all other participants .
10 The European Commission yesterday duly called for total deregulation of telephone service in the European Community by 1998 and asked telecommunications ministers to endorse that goal at their Council of Ministers on May 10 : the UK is the only European Community country where the body responsible for installing phones and running the service has been forced to make room for a competitor , but national territorial monopolies were not suited to the needs of a single Community market and technological advances meant they were no longer justified in any case , the Commission said ; Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann said the Commission would soon produce another paper on whether development of telephone networks should also be dealt with under a free market system , adding that the Commission believed companies from outside the Community should be free to reap the benefits of deregulation as long as EC firms were able to do likewise on those firms ' home territory ; but the Commission pulled back from recommending that large companies be free to lease spare capacity on the networks of utilities such as gas from the start of next year .
11 Be steadfast and make a pledge to yourself that you will no longer compromise in any way .
12 The first point is that , of the five people generally named in any discussion of the generation gap theory , four are Free Presbyterians , which is a similar concentration to that found in the first generation of Paisley activists .
13 Refusal of an assignment does not normally result in any disadvantage to the casual worker , but frequent refusals , even with good reason , are likely to diminish his chances of having offers made since they put his availability into question .
14 The more I wail and thrash the deeper I go , just like in any swamp or quicksand .
15 She did n't even need to work out her notice , just go in any time she felt like it to collect any personal belongings .
16 ‘ owing to the presence of which ’ This point is normally covered in any witness statement that might be available , viz. ‘ I saw four vehicles were involved etc. ’ or ‘ if it had not been for that vehicle the accident would not have happened ’ .
17 One can not therefore measure their use or their citation frequency , and the work is not normally published in any form .
18 It sees no problem with adding the Alpha architecture to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc and Intel Corp-based systems it currently offers , a trail that DEC is already blazing in any case , but it has to figure out whether and how it will be able to address the window of opportunity it reckons the industry is now creating with the latest round of hardware and software announcements , and of course , how deep it would have to dig into its back pocket .
19 There is nothing ins intrinsically long with the concept of Percent for Art , but we saw an opportunity to extend that concept to make sure that the real need of real people in real communities were properly reflected in any scheme .
20 Citing the EC example , he said : ‘ It was Mrs Thatcher who signed the Single European Act , which is the biggest transfer of sovereignty which this government has ever undertaken in any period of our history . ’
21 ‘ I ca n't recall it ever happening in any association affiliated to the IBA before , although it may have happened some time ago , ’ added the former Irish international player .
22 ‘ I ca n't recall it ever happening in any association affiliated to the IBA before , although it may have happened some time ago , ’ added the former Irish international player .
23 We can see how family memory is socially shaped , and also the willingness to incorporate substitutes , not always related in any way , for absent grandparents .
24 The Marshal , his big eyes rolling round the depressing room lit by one dusty light-bulb because the small , barred window hardly let in any light , wondered if they ever managed it .
25 Erm most of the i involvement I 've ever had in any kind of job has been by accident .
26 It 's so utterly impossible — even if I could overcome the physical thing , how could I ever look in any way but down on him ?
27 David Scott , when strongly pressing the candidacy of Abram Robinson for a surveyor 's post in the East India Company 's service , encountered one of the occupational hazards of a politician in this period , when he found that his candidate was totally lacking in any manner of qualification for such a situation .
28 Of course it is highly likely that the corporate finance arm and the client will be contractually bound in any case , thus enabling us to dispense with the issue of whether an obligation of confidence is owed .
29 He had lifted her into his arms before she could protest , although in truth she hardly felt in any condition to trek back up the incline towards the barn .
30 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
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