Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [det] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 However , one thing that is almost guaranteed is that if the things that you do do n't match up to the things that you say , your friends will soon point that out to you !
32 I went into the job feeling confident enough , but the wind that got up for our first day soon knocked that out of me .
33 Licensees say they have sent rents soaring and already forced many out of business .
34 Well I was just talking that over with er his apprentice and he said
35 We 've just sent that back to the , the D O E and so we 're waiting
36 We had finally thrashed this out on the ferry from Gibraltar to Tangier .
37 Just write that down for us .
38 just take this off of here come through here
39 So erm I 'm just throwing this out as an idea that we perhaps we offer one half of this amount here
40 you nicked that how do you possibly get that out of somebody 's house ?
41 Always start these off by considering what they would be if they were alkanes .
42 You could always fill this in at a later date , there 's
43 As ministers are still proclaiming that back to basics is the lode star guiding government policy while the Prime Minister 's dodging all questions about it .
44 they 're probably pressing these out at quite a rate of knots are n't they ?
45 I 've also written this out as a table in Figure 2 .
46 I also consider that In re O. [ 1991 ] 2 Q.B .
47 They later typed these up on the computer and made the story into a book .
48 In an important paper , ‘ The Over-socialized Conception of Man in Modern Sociology ’ ( 1961 ) , Denis Wrong pointed this out in his discussion of Parsons .
49 Now try this out for yourself .
50 But they do n't really get much out of it I suspect if they do n't .
51 It 's interesting to note too that Texas is a Unix SVR4 shop and HP will now pick that up by default .
52 Here we are there 's your two pi two pizzas now share that out between the six of us .
53 What really sets this up as a fraud and complete load of tripe , is the ridiculous assumption on the part of the forger , that my entire squad of players would happily sign a document whose sole aim is to get me removed from the manager 's seat .
54 I think I 'd rather leave that up to the private sector .
55 Please put that back in can you for me Aaron
56 Erm with a thing like this , I mean what I usually say to people it depends on erm if you 've got a lot of numerical data , oh you might as well have this back for the time being so
57 If the police made Wheeler feel uncomfortable about who had what keys , Wheeler would simply pass this on with interest to anyone who crossed his path in the near future .
58 If it 's a meeting , I might not even put that in at all .
59 and things , job families er , we 've got that already and we 've got , there 's gon na be the computer thing on careers but you see we 've only managed this year to get it brought down from year eleven , somebody who went into this , keeping it very close to myself , to bring it down to year ten they 're actually you know , it 's very , very difficult to let them remove it and I ca n't see that you can then make that down to ninth year just yet .
60 In fact in some ways I feel I almost got more out of appraising Kevin and Bill than I did out of Alan appraising
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