Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In some senses , indeed , the great Act of 1944 did not fundamentally modify some of the basic assumptions about the nature of a ‘ good ’ secondary education .
2 We sat in our little flat recovering from a good dip in the briny channel and slowly eating some of the delicacy .
3 Running a household successfully involves many of the basic management and administrative skills ; these and other personal skills that are equally useful in the workplace were discussed in Chapter 2 .
4 It is difficult to assess the effects of the first true humans in rain forests but it has been argued that the Australian aborigines may have been responsible for the removal of some of the Araucaria forest of tropical Queensland , leading to the advance of Eucalyptus there , as well as locally exterminating much of the megafauna .
5 Many of course die , but those who survive eventually lose most of the colour and are left speckled , rather than with the definite lines of colour you will find in shop tanks .
6 Apart from the fact that the McCarthy purges of alleged Communists had left a bad scar on the film industry , two other developments were eventually to bear much of the blame for the demise of the glitterama of old Hollywood .
7 We need only to compare this to the average annual cost in 1986–87 of probation orders ( 900 ) , community service orders ( 520 ) , attendance sentence orders ( 117 ) or even places in probation hostels ( 7 , 174 ) to see why the Treasury is in danger of becoming a radical advocate of decarceration !
8 Inadvertently reflecting some of the new-found ‘ posse ’ mentality , EV 's three writers sing their own songs , diffusing still further the four-square thrust of conventional rock with chiming , circular guitar runs ( a million miles away from indie 's dull scrubbing ) and rueful bass hums .
9 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
10 One may perhaps contrast this with the other common mental illness of old age , depression , in which loss , in many forms , from bereavement to loss of role and status , may reasonably be thought to play a part .
11 perhaps make more of the one before .
12 He penned the 1964 stage play , Curse of the Daleks , and spent two years writing all the back page Dalek comic strips for TV 21 , only to see much of the credit for all the above going — with the royalties — to Terry Nation .
13 At this point I had better cover some of the regulations regarding the transport of live fish around the world .
14 After we 've made that hole in the top we 'll lift the fuselage high enough to drain most of the water from it . ’
15 This debate was tabled for a Monday night when , for the replies , Labour Front-Bench Members greatly outnumber those on the Back Benches , which is not surprising as it is a one-line Whip night .
16 ‘ Mr Lilley is an arch-Thatcherite who personally designed many of the Tories ’ most extreme policies , ’ claimed Mr Mandelson .
17 The National Film Theatre in London shows a wonderful variety of films but obviously has little of the atmosphere of the high street picture palace .
18 Gloucester 's lordship was thus , at least in some cases , attractive enough to displace that of the crown .
19 Gloucester 's lordship was thus , at least in some cases , attractive enough to displace that of the crown .
20 To his credit , he excoriated the lack of safety at the circuit , had the highest praise for the drivers who pulled Niki out of his burning car and did not even think in terms of his now enhanced championship chances , not only because he thought Niki would be back in Austria , but because he was honest enough to know that without the accident and Jochen having to re-start , he might himself have placed no better than third .
21 So matters such as the teaching process ( Is the student given sufficient autonomy ? ) — the fundamental aims of the course ( Is the course designed to promote the student 's general education ?
22 The aircraft continued in a wide arc , during which time the wings and the engine were torn off , apparently absorbing much of the energy .
23 With all the macros together on one page , someone doing accounts where they only want some of the standard sheets , can just choose those that are relevant . ’
24 As the hardware development gathered pace so has that of the software .
25 TESCO chairman Sir Ian MacLaurin not only has some of the deceptively unassuming John Major manner but also shares some of the objectives of the Prime Minister .
26 The UK not only has some of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world , it also has some of the highest rates for cancer and respiratory disease .
27 For a real account of the BCR we must wait for Martin Davies 's definitive history , but although I have only included some of the anecdotes which crop up again and again , and a few photographs , many BCRS member have given invaluable assistance , and the presence of the Railway taken for granted throughout the time covered by ‘ BISHOP 'S CASTLE WELL-REMEMBERED ’ .
28 Those who did turn up paid nine pounds each to get in : Only to find many of the stalls were cutting their losses … packing up … and going home .
29 Her methods also greatly simplified many of the earlier proofs , a number of them being very important in algebraic geometry .
30 This behaviour undoubtedly enhances the survival of the transposon , but — as Crick , with Leslie Orgel , Ford Doolittle and Carmen Sapienza argued , it does n't necessarily do much for the bacterium in which the transposon is a passenger .
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