Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun prp] to the " in BNC.

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1 But it was the same friend who eventually led Jean to the dead man 's ‘ passion wagon ’ caravan .
2 Dad had complained about the threatening telephone call and no action had been taken ; but the man had obviously reported Russell to the police and here they were in force to arrest him .
3 So says Christ to the church in Philadelphia .
4 But it was not enough to commend Stanley to the City of Worcester Conservative and Unionist Association .
5 Rachaela could only take Ruth to the school in the mornings ; at least she saw her to the gates .
6 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
7 Beador 's own response was reassuring — he thought it a ‘ ripping good idea ’ and gladly added Fontana to the travelling stable of two hunters she had brought down from Yorkshire .
8 Yet another partnership prospered beyond 100 , the third in succession , and Sohail eventually cut Salisbury to the pavilion boundary to reach 203 after 5½ hours in the middle .
9 From a position , parked a few yards down the road from the Stones ' house , Bodie watched as Anne Hanvey finally delivered Nick to the house .
10 At one stage no less a person than Bobby Kennedy , soon to accompany Josie to the grave , had offered to help Roth gain his freedom .
11 By the turn of the century Mexican railways were divided into a group which were American-owned , largely connecting Mexico to the United States , and two ( the early Mexican Railway started in 1857 and the Mexican Southern of 1889 ) which were British .
12 Would you hold on a moment I 'll just get Margaret to the phone cos she really deals with the bookings hold on a second !
13 It seemed that she was not impressed for , having completed her examination , she turned ostentatiously away to follow Anthony to the table where the wine stood .
14 Indeed , it was SGI 's proposed acquisition of MIPS that finally lead CDC to the altar .
15 Just beating Higgins to the finishing line was world champion Stephen Hendry , happily back to form after his 10-4 defeat by Steve Davis in last weekend 's European Open final .
16 Barthelsson was over the line at the start , put in his 720° turn and still beat Österlund to the first mark , a lead which he held until the end .
17 ‘ Elizabeth always takes Angharad to the Agricultural Fair for a treat .
18 Rick always sends Elsa to the aeroplane with her husband , no matter how many times you watch Casablanca . ’
19 So Tallis at last entered the stone corridors and galleries which had once led Harry to the first forest , and a forbidden land in whose winter embrace he had become lost .
20 Dorahy , 38 , played with Leigh and Hull Kingston Rovers and also led Halifax to the Regal Trophy final as player-coach before returning to Australia as number two at Newcastle Knights .
21 The communiqué also committed Germany to the creation of " conditions favourable to lower global interest rates " .
22 When James did succeed to the throne in 1685 , the pro-Catholic and pro-French orientation of foreign policy was naturally maintained , and the new king made strenuous efforts both to return England to the papal fold and to realign her fully with the international Catholic axis .
23 Shortly afterwards , he probably ceded Lothian to the Scottish king Kenneth , and received his submission and that of other princes , including the kings of Gwynedd and Strathclyde .
24 The Navajo expressed their concern at Hanson 's annual general meeting in London in January ; they are now taking Hanson to the UN Human Rights Commission , with the assistance of Survival International .
25 ‘ Apparently the man often took Igor to the moor for fresh air and exercise . ’
26 John Major 's taking a break from the hard grind of political life here to sell Britain to the Japanese .
27 A family drama five years ago awakened Steilmann to the ecological crisis — his daughter had taken a strong dental painkiller and was close to death because of an allergic reaction .
28 He even introduced Andrew to the woman he would marry .
29 He successfully invaded Sudan to the south in 1820 , making it effectively a colony , and in some eyes even a part of Egypt .
30 ‘ Sure , ’ Laidlaw said then followed Jenkins to the door .
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