Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun prp] for the " in BNC.

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1 His subsequent progress inside the Corporation was rapid and distinctive — from the external services in Bush House to Canada again , this time as BBC representative from 1956 to 1959 ; back to Bush House as head of external broadcasting administration ; on to Broadcasting House as the BBC 's secretary ( 1963–6 ) , a post of varying status and influence at different times in the history of the BBC , but during the regime of the director-general , Sir Hugh Greene , who had personally selected Curran for the job , a key post drawing him into discussions of policy , often highly controversial policy , as well as of administration ; back again to Bush House as director of external services ( 1967–9 ) , which brought him into close touch with government ; and on Greene 's retirement , becoming , to his considerable surprise , director-general himself in April 1969 .
2 The British became a dominant influence in Persian life during the nineteenth century ; but to this day many Persians believe that Britain merely exploited Persia for the sake of India throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
3 Of course , you only get UB for the days you are unemployed .
4 Gorbachev eventually proved willing not only to condemn Stalin for the imprisonment and execution of loyal Russians in the 1930s , but also to concede that Stalin had secretly divided eastern Europe with Hitler in 1939 .
5 ( they had all left Iran for the United States a few weeks before their parents ) .
6 Churchill had already earmarked Lyttleton for the job .
7 Egyptian intelligence handed over Mahmud Abu Halima , 34 , to the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents , said a security source , and they had already left Egypt for the United States .
8 He introduced the taping of telephone calls — then seen as unprofessional , now absolutely the reverse of this — and brought in so much business that he bluntly asked Clark for the presidency of the firm .
9 What he was saying made sense in some respects but she would never , ever forgive Lizzy for the charade of the last eighteen months .
10 He remounted immediately and set off in pursuit of the other runners , but as a Gold Cup trial the race was a mess , and the announcement that Jonjo O'Neill was once more to replace Mullins for the big race came as no surprise .
11 And when it daylight came the next day next morning you could hardly believe it you could hardly see Rousay for the foam that the gale kick up like a thick fog .
12 But Gould had quite possibly thanked Darwin for the wrong present .
13 At the end of Shakespeare 's creation , Antony admits to thinking of Brutus as very noble , and that he was the only person who genuinely killed Caesar for the good of Rome .
14 CONDEMNING Britain for its ‘ irresponsible actions ’ and ‘ erroneous stand ’ on Hong Kong , China yesterday blamed London for the crisis of confidence that has gripped the colony since the military assault on Tiananmen Square four months ago .
15 Accordingly , she quietly left the nurses ' station to go and take her patients ' before-lunch blood sugars , and carefully avoided Deana for the rest of the shift .
16 Also representing Scotland for the first time today will be the Ferguslie all-rounder , Stuart Kennedy , who follows in the footsteps of brother , Iain , who was capped six times .
17 In early June Keating unsuccessfully challenged Hawke for the ALP leadership , in a move which most commentators agreed left Hawke politically damaged .
18 Change LS to be any 2-letter code you like which will uniquely identify this LIFESPAN process from any other ( eg. use LT for the training process , LL for the live , and LR for the R&D one ) .
19 Unacknowledged , it 's been that way for several years , as we have regularly tried to point out here as others wrongly gave the crown to Digital Equipment Corp , but both the Wall Street Journal and Datamation magazine have at last come round to agreeing that Fujitsu Ltd is the world 's second-largest computer company — with NEC Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co both now challenging DEC for the third place .
20 To run Windows 3.0 CompuAdd also includes a choice of Microsoft packages : Excel for Windows , the powerful , new-generation spreadsheet which takes over where Lotus 1-2-3 leaves off ; Word for Windows , now challenging WordPerfect for the number one word-processing slot , with its ability to import graphics and manage text ; and PowerPoint for Windows , for producing graphics-based slides , charts , overheads at new levels of professionalism .
21 In 1973 the Libyan leader , Gaddafi , indirectly attacked Egypt for the concessions it had made .
22 The countryside , here called Wessex for the first time , village community life , the joyousness of seasonal festivities , the importance of music — all familiar from Under the Greenwood Tree — are integrated into a more complex story than any Hardy had yet attempted .
23 Wendy , very kindly , checked Billy 's carriage on her own machine when it was giving trouble and when , rather embarrassingly , it blew a fuse on Wendy 's console , she did n't even charge Billy for the replacement and repairs .
24 WIDNES star Jonathan Davies will again skipper Wales for the Rugby League clash with England at Vetch Field , Swansea , on November 27 .
25 Angie Bowie : I actually met David for the first time when he was with feathers at the Roundhouse and I was with the European head of Mercury Records , a gentleman called Lou Reisner .
26 Jack 's Irish blood made him sympathize with the Levellers — the Irish have never forgiven Cromwell for the Drogheda massacre , you know .
27 I amused myself watching all three and rather cruelly thanking God for the poor old General 's disability .
28 But you never pay SSP for the first three qualifying days of a PIW .
29 He therefore left Brighton for the greater glory of London ; fortunately for his less famous successors , ‘ the scheme never materialised ’ .
30 Ariola 's managing director never forgave Branson for the ‘ theft ’ .
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