Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
2 Tending to follow market values , heriots might form realistic death duties , but other seigneurial perquisites , such as profits of the court , rarely added much to the total income .
3 Gower needed just two runs to reach 7,000 in his hundredth Test and got them , only to fall immediately to a quite unnecessary flick down the leg side .
4 The edition of Boswell 's Tour now generally available only refers obliquely to a lack of warmth , and to Boswell 's own ‘ spleen ’ while staying there — all this notwithstanding that the beautiful ( and pregnant ) Lady Macdonald was a cousin of Boswell 's .
5 Start off with the highest SPF cream and only change gradually to a lower rating .
6 Until now the commanders had all reported upward to the Shah , who himself made all decisions .
7 He was particularly careful of any involvement with the Mamur Zapt , which was why Owen not only reported formally to the Khedive but was nominally subordinate to Garvin .
8 I had greatly looked forward to the meeting , hoping to hear words of wit and wisdom about the law , and perhaps a few good legal anecdotes .
9 ‘ But he so looks forward to the Bois .
10 All you need for each one is a piece of knitting beginning with a hem at the wrist , wide enough to go round the hand and long enough to reach easily to the base of the fingers .
11 ‘ She will be delighted , ’ Alida Thorne said , ‘ she 's so looking forward to a visitor .
12 Such a shame really , since I was so looking forward to the day .
13 ‘ You see , I was so looking forward to the prince 's return from Ludlow . ’
14 The Aged was obviously looking forward to the evening ceremony of firing the gun .
15 I 'm real excited , as you can imagine , and greatly looking forward to the adventure . ’
16 ‘ I am greatly looking forward to the challenge . ’
17 In the late 1960s and early 1970s the activities of the CNAA were obviously related closely to the complex developments of the polytechnics .
18 All students should be encouraged to take an active part and not merely listen passively to the tutor and one or two loquacious individuals .
19 THESE four happy boys were eagerly looking forward to a fun-filled family Christmas .
20 In addition , they can perhaps bring home to the community just how much education needs and deserves better funding .
21 Even though they had all agreed beforehand to the principle of a supranational institution , the six states of ‘ little ’ Europe — France , West Germany , Italy , Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg — faced nine months of hard bargaining after they formally began negotiations in June 1950 .
22 So your students will relate to their coursebook and will eagerly look forward to the next activity !
23 ‘ Interesting point ! ’ remarked Morse , suddenly turning again to a now distinctly uncomfortable-looking Stratton .
24 The gangway lamps seemed to give no light , only add further to the gloom of the dusk .
25 Irish rugby is notorious for peaks and troughs , so look forward to a few peaks from now onwards .
26 ‘ Had been suddenly called away to the funeral of a close relative ?
27 And ensure that your client prepares the plans to a reasonable scale , not too small or too large — if on a size A4 page that will not only annex conveniently to a lease or transfer of part but will also facilitate the taking of photocopies .
28 Inevitably this proximity involved a fair amount of touching and occasional pressures , which the man found very much to his taste , and which the young woman at least did not object to sufficiently to draw away to the limits of her corner .
29 Although the Australians , who had a magnificent second half , only pulled away to a resounding victory in the last ten minutes , the harsh truth is that the Boks never looked like scoring .
30 But there are other recurring fingerprints — melodic motifs , rhythmic patterns , harmonic progressions — the secrets of which are perhaps known only to a handful of Shostakovich 's oldest and closest friends .
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