Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 Gower needed just two runs to reach 7,000 in his hundredth Test and got them , only to fall immediately to a quite unnecessary flick down the leg side .
2 The edition of Boswell 's Tour now generally available only refers obliquely to a lack of warmth , and to Boswell 's own ‘ spleen ’ while staying there — all this notwithstanding that the beautiful ( and pregnant ) Lady Macdonald was a cousin of Boswell 's .
3 Start off with the highest SPF cream and only change gradually to a lower rating .
4 ‘ She will be delighted , ’ Alida Thorne said , ‘ she 's so looking forward to a visitor .
5 THESE four happy boys were eagerly looking forward to a fun-filled family Christmas .
6 ‘ Interesting point ! ’ remarked Morse , suddenly turning again to a now distinctly uncomfortable-looking Stratton .
7 Irish rugby is notorious for peaks and troughs , so look forward to a few peaks from now onwards .
8 And ensure that your client prepares the plans to a reasonable scale , not too small or too large — if on a size A4 page that will not only annex conveniently to a lease or transfer of part but will also facilitate the taking of photocopies .
9 Although the Australians , who had a magnificent second half , only pulled away to a resounding victory in the last ten minutes , the harsh truth is that the Boks never looked like scoring .
10 But there are other recurring fingerprints — melodic motifs , rhythmic patterns , harmonic progressions — the secrets of which are perhaps known only to a handful of Shostakovich 's oldest and closest friends .
11 As Rosemary Deem makes clear in the article reproduced here , deliberate and formal distinctions between the education of boys and girls have been made until very recently and only brought formally to a halt through the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act .
12 A barn owl is n't strong enough to hold tight to a glove in a strong wind .
13 However , it can be shown that the runaway greenhouse effect , had it acted on an Earth-like quantity of water , can perhaps lead initially to a copious escape of hydrogen with no enhancement of D/ 1 H during this process .
14 The rendering of figures in action had been developed in pedimental sculpture , and perhaps extended occasionally to an independent group in the later sixth century : a fine marble torso from the Acropolis , under life-size , These us fighting one of his opponents , seems not to be from a pediment .
15 The modern stockman thus approximates more to a ‘ farm technician ’ than the old image of the ‘ farm labourer ’ .
16 The result is naturally a concentration of erosion on the headlands , thus leading ultimately to a smoothing out of the coastline if it is of one rock type .
17 His candidacy thus went forward to a second round run-off scheduled for June 3 , in which his opponent would be an unexpected late entrant Alberto Keinya Fujimori , 52 , of the newly formed Change 90 ( Cambio 90 ) movement who received 24.62 per cent of the vote .
18 They stood talking and Joanna soon drifted away to a group near by .
19 NOW that Falkirk Football Club has confirmed the surprising choice of Campbell Christie , General Secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , as its new chairman , we can presumably look forward to a radical change of tactics on the field .
20 Tork , Station Officer for Tel Aviv , always responded immediately to a summons from that office , cancelled whatever appointments he had .
21 Nevertheless , she still owes much to a male mentor who , in a previous job , told her : ‘ You can do it .
22 She probably had enough cash for a taxi , but the taxi habit still came hard to a girl from the sticks who was n't even used to being able to afford bus fare .
23 The question , though , remains : given these differences , is there any sense in which we can still refer today to a single academic community ?
24 In any branch of government , civil or military , promotion always came easier to a man who could add political interest to ability , and on occasion the active support of a great man could more than compensate for very limited abilities .
25 In Margaret Thatcher 's time — he wished that she were still at the helm — the party could always look forward to a damn good Leader 's speech on the last afternoon .
26 The French system , though still rather broad-brush in its approach because each individual Commune is usually allocated entirely to a zone , is more closely related to natural handicap than the UK system .
27 Nobody would ever get close to a man like Felipe de Santis and she refused to acknowledge that she wanted to get close .
28 The survey usually extends only to a specified population group or to a sample of the population ( sample survey ) selected by using the principles of sampling .
29 Keep climbing up the fell side , gradually bearing right to a small cairn at the end of the ridge where several paths meet .
30 In the open intellectual milieu where Catholic exegetes and theologians now move among colleagues of other traditions of faith or of none , the traditional term ‘ hermeneutics ’ ( the art and the principles of interpretation ) has been taken over for a mode of philosophical discussion so technical that its products are usually baffling even to a well-educated reader .
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