Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His mates had all scored and he inexplicably had n't , in spite of the money he 'd blown on all those lime-green cocktails for the bleached slag in the dress with all the red spangles .
2 A new member there tells me that his subscription has suddenly doubled and he now feels he joined without being told the facts .
3 just looks and I just
4 Now erm you will already know and I certainly would 've told you on the phone that er you are not responsible for setting the assignments up .
5 For the rest of the week it is given over to a different selection : good second-hand clothes , useful but redundant household articles , outgrown children 's toys plus almost anything that someone no longer needs and someone else might use .
6 It 's incorrectly built and it also appears to have been used as an excuse for fly tipping , and industrial fly tipping at that .
7 A lot of them letters that come out are already done and you just delete
8 Yes , and she phoned me and she said I feel as though I dropped out of the bottom of the world she said , you know , I just do n't see anybody , I said well of course you were working on Mondays , you see she used to have Mondays to herself and I would often go round on a Monday afternoon and , we , we could talk , but that 's gone and I said I ca n't run in at half past five when you get home from school and chat to you because Ned will be coming home at six and I do n't want to be there all that often when he 's there erm its you know , its just happened and I also thought to myself and I 'm probably going to move a lot further away then Fen Lane .
9 and then it homes in on one of the men right and it goes sort of whee one hour later whee whee bom bom bom and the other one goes one hour later right and the computer just explodes and it just goes boom
10 Many feel that The Photographers ' Gallery has a somewhat lopsided view of contemporary photography and photographers and that it preaches to the already converted and them alone .
11 The net is thus supported and I then push the sideways slackness of the net in either direction from me with a movement of either hand .
12 And the network just went and it just collapsed .
13 And Carol liked to come through and just tinker but she never got lessons or anything so we just sold it .
14 it just comes and it just hurt , it feels like it 's going click but it 's not going click .
15 Actually , she influenced every decision I ever made but I always felt she put a barrier between us .
16 I still , I s it 's still swollen and I still have n't got my full grip , I 'm seeing the surgeon again today
17 He smiled , that flash of large , white teeth against his dark , slightly oily skin she had always disliked and which now , quite suddenly , turned her stomach queasy .
18 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
19 Something always happens and someone always has to deal with ( or avoid ) what has occurred .
20 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
21 In fact , when all his debts were paid off , the money was quickly spent and he soon found himself waiting to collect his $55 a week on the unemployment line at 75 East 13th Street , where he happened to be caught by an eagle-eyed Life photographer before the film 's release .
22 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
23 They always do and they always will do .
24 They have enjoyed a vogue in recent years which they do not always merit and they now seem to be losing some of their popularity .
25 Yeah Charlotte you always , I hate the way you always relent and you always say oh well , you know , I should n't be angry with them cos they just wanted some fun and you know , never mind eh , sort of thing and you know , you suc yeah but why do you succumb
26 Often , the affected part of the plant becomes badly damaged and it finally dies .
27 ‘ The initial screening is nearly completed and we now only have a small number of children left to trace .
28 But , true to its timid traditions , the English crimi nal justice system still excludes these videos from court hearings be cause of the hearsay rule ; a rule which has never been definitively formulated but which crudely pre vents statements made out of court by a witness to someone else being admissible .
29 He was exceptionally demanding and my fairly long conversation was that he almost lead me to believe that he had got the job because when he started making comments about putting his grandfather clocks in the church er thirty of them .
30 Most of this academic activity is not , in fact , criticism as traditionally understood but something else , which is fundamentally a form of technical description .
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