Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd much rather stay here another week , but I do n't suppose she 'd hear of it . ’
2 When the man eventually got home that day he told the assembled villagers of our meeting , and my warning , and said that after he had watched me go round a bend in the road a hundred yards away he started to light the cigarette I had given him .
3 But in fashioning his movement , Baden-Powell skilfully wove together any number of the political questions that preoccupied his contemporaries , and the movement 's spectacular growth drew on deep funds of social anxiety — anxieties which invariably settled around the excessive liberty allowed to young people and the attendant demoralisation which was , in turn , linked to a newly perceived upsurge in crime and violence among the young .
4 As an example of the value of this habitat a survey of Pevensey Levels in 1976 recorded 52 nesting species and included counts of 27 pairs of Snipe , 29 pairs of Redshank , 74 pairs of Reed Warbler , 196 pairs of Sedge Warbler , 165 pairs of Yellow Wagtail , 118 pairs of Meadow Pipit , and 262 pairs of Reed Bunting ; Besides revealing rather more Snipe , Redshank and Yellow Wagtail than previously recorded ( see Systematic List ) these counts clearly indicate the value of the marginal vegetation of the ditches for Reed Buntings , Reed and Sedge Warbler .
5 Moreover , criteria such as ‘ fraud ’ or ‘ exercise of authority ’ are exceedingly vague and arguably provide too much scope for judicial interpretation .
6 This may well be a pleasurable and interesting occupation but it will not in any way further the quest for the universal philosophy so urgently needed , unless those students and specialist authorities use the opportunities afforded them to serve humanity more widely and wisely than by merely producing yet more literature for yet more students .
7 The East German power station of Janschwalde burns 30 million tonnes of coal per year and annually emits as much sulphur dioxide as Sweden .
8 Perhaps demanding even more courage , though , was the role of
9 An artist has perhaps given as much time to a single major work as a composer might have given to a sonata or whatever it may be .
10 The alienation of groups among the younger voters has perhaps received too much publicity but it is an attitude which is shared to some degree by other sections of the community .
11 Is my right hon. Friend aware that one of the most important subjects on which he obviously made so much progress with President Yeltsin was that of non-proliferation ?
12 ‘ This only aroused so much attention because of the press reports that we were meeting the Broederbond . ’
13 The Baden region is well to the south of Germany 's more famous wine areas , and so receives far more sunshine , giving the growers greater flexibility in what kinds of wine they can make .
14 ‘ You can only experience so much fame , ’ he says .
15 Perhaps the reason that tail shapes have wrongly received so much attention in the past is that they are the most obviously visible difference between boards .
16 For this she naturally needs as much information as possible , but is always happy to guide families through what is needed , or to undertake research .
17 Telephoning the elderly who live alone needs even more care and tact than talking with them in the course of a visit .
18 Tossing this first layer of skin aside , he attempted to burrow deeper , only to discover yet more skin , though whether this was the outer skin that had slithered back through his advancing fingers , or a whole new layer was not apparent , but it was pretty clear that finding her windpipe , let alone getting hands round it and squeezing it , was a two-person job .
19 ‘ It seems that he reversed his car rather quickly and in doing so he inadvertently used too much gas , ’ said Mr Tweddle .
20 Mrs Fox added : ‘ The NHS only has so much money .
21 I would naturally consider sympathetically any invitation to take part in clinical trials requiring ingestion of whisky for medicinal purposes .
22 such as f er for example a word processor clerk or may not saying , may not necessarily need so much training as
23 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
24 During the Hussite period the church was used as a meat store and so suffered relatively little damage .
25 ‘ We had all risen early this morning .
26 ‘ I 've only got so much will-power . ’
27 ‘ The catch in this heaven , ’ she went on , ‘ is that the brain has only got so much dopamine to offer , and once the cocaine has used it all up , then that 's the end of the pleasure .
28 I told her she could have my one cos it only had that much ink in it .
29 that was war time and , and there 's the petrol , there was no , well a squeeze on petrol , you know , you 'd perhaps had just enough petrol to do some jobs where you could use the horse and cart down the
30 Susan had insisted on doing all the washing up by herself ; they 'd all had too much wine and might break something , she said .
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