Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly push upwards with your right leg until it is almost straight .
2 In the early 19th Century many yards were associated with a particular guild or craft with weavers , fullers , dyers , etc. gathering together for their convenience .
3 For example , a male is rarely limited reproductively by his capacity to produce sperm but a female is restricted in her output of eggs .
4 In any case , Rothstein says , networks will eventually fall apart under their own weight without the arrival of object-oriented technologies .
5 You will be all right walking alone to your house ? ’
6 A great many people seemed to be crowding in , presumably returning home for their Saturday half day .
7 She found herself being slowly torn apart in her loyalties : on the one hand she felt proud to have been chosen as a wife by the head of one of the noblest families in Portugal , and she longed to start her new life ; but on the other , she could not help drawing back instinctively from what lay ahead .
8 My two daughters are lucky enough to go frequently to their friends ' parties , invariably attended by a dozen or so children clutching a present which has cost their parents between £3 and £5 .
9 You 'd better stay here with your waggon . ’
10 Are you awake enough to sit here on your own for a bit ? ’
11 His own task was to make sure , no matter how it appeared to other people , that he constantly checked across from his private life of personal belief — and back again — to the professional , public and accountable life of a head .
12 ‘ Citizen ’ John , ‘ a little Stout Man with dark cropt Hair ’ , carried with him a dangerous reputation as an atheist , a mob orator and a Jacobin , and in 1794 had spent several months in the Tower of London before being tried and acquitted on a charge of high treason.l– His relationship with Coleridge had hitherto depended entirely on their animated and frequently argumentative correspondence .
13 Now that she was away from Aurae Phiala , Lesley had flamed into an almost delirious fluency and radiance , she who was bright enough to dazzle even in her chosen prison .
14 Consistently , in vitro analyses of four cAMP-CRP/CytR regulated promoters , deoP2 , cddP , cytRP and tsxP2 , have shown that CytR alone only interacts weakly with its cognate promoters ( 6–9 ) .
15 It was only seven o'clock , yet the air was mild enough to stand there in her nightdress .
16 Indeed , the evidence in general is so slight that it implies that any animosities had been held in check by Edward IV and only surfaced fully after his death .
17 Indeed , the evidence in general is so slight that it implies that any animosities had been held in check by Edward IV and only surfaced fully after his death .
18 I 've worked with a number of carpenters and joiners and come tea-break , we 've all sat there with our nice hot cup of tea/coffee and that gradual layer of dust on top .
19 Never , never , never sort of , never get so carried away with your own position that you think that you are the only source and the fount of all wisdom on , on any particular story .
20 They savagely plucked feathers from it and were so carried away by their onslaught that they even continued attacking when the stuffed bird was held in the experimenter 's hand , close to his face .
21 The Vicar then took the text for his sermon from the second lesson , ‘ God loveth a cheerful giver ’ , and was so carried away by his own rhetoric that he absent-mindedly helped himself to most of the grapes hanging down from the top of the pulpit .
22 After a few days the household would be creeping around ‘ not to disturb Dad ’ who was sulking in his room bored to death with his family , and the children would be trying to comfort a depressed and weeping Mum who had so looked forward to her handsome popular brilliant husband 's return and did n't know what she had done wrong .
23 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
24 She said if I were you I 'd have breakfast , she said if you had something like porridge , you 'd feel more full and you could perhaps do away with your mid morning four rounds of cheese on toast , she said , perhaps , what d' ya want ?
25 ‘ I need to know about these men , ’ she said , suddenly looking straight into his eyes .
26 More men and women are not only living healthily into their seventies , but into their eighties and nineties .
27 And now David did n't want any part of it , and she 'd been so looking forward to their sharing in the discoveries .
28 For all the contrived patrician , grouse-moor image , his style perhaps owed more to his American than to his Arran forbears .
29 My colleagues and I in Wales Link were greatly looking forward to her visit , planned over a period of 18 months .
30 Greatly looking forward to his acceptance , the pleasure of his company , and more besides .
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