Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] [be] some " in BNC.

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1 That he obviously imagined she was some kind of flighty , sex-starved man-eater ?
2 Just say it was some revolutionary group
3 ‘ I 'll just bet she was some broad he used to be in love with or something , and he 's been giving her the brush-off while she 's trying to fan the embers , get back to the way it used to be . ’
4 Personally , he just hoped it was some headcase from the funny farm up the hill who 'd been let out on parole too early with a meat axe .
5 I do n't know why but I always thought it was some nearest
6 Then he lowered his gaze and observed with dark humour , ‘ The receptionist probably thought you were some irate girlfriend come to bring me to book about something or other . ’
7 They probably think I 'm some sex craved monster .
8 They called it smoked salmon and I immediately concluded it was some sort of rich man 's herring .
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