Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With economic vision so blinkered it was to be expected that the economy would be allowed to drift with the market situation and without significant and positive government direction .
2 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
3 Corbett suddenly realised he was in the corner of the hall .
4 ‘ How long has she been like that ? ’
5 How long has he been in there doing nothing ?
6 ‘ How long has he been like this ? ’
7 In the bucket in the cupboard Barry the Time Sprout woke suddenly to find he was in the wrong chapter .
8 Squatters have long felt they 're at the receiving end of a bad press and have have welcomed tonight 's opportunity to express their side of the story .
9 Oxford the red hot favourites have made 3 changes to their lineup in the run up to this year 's race and Sam was only told she was in the boat at the weekend .
10 Not outstanding success , for I was still missing nine out of ten bites , hut enough to suggest I was on the right track .
11 Dora sees him there , and suddenly realises he 's at her mercy .
12 I only discovered I was in it by sheer chance .
13 Yet the polls show that most voters want inflation stopped , and the main opposition , the Workers ' party , while formally denouncing the plan as ‘ authoritarian , demagogic , privatising and favourable to foreign capital ’ , may merely wish it were in a position to do likewise .
14 Wright 's spot kick was so hurried it was as if he wanted to get it over and done with while no one was looking .
15 That same day he not only thought we were in Denmark but decided that it was imperative to write three letters to his cousin Marianne in New York — simultaneously !
16 I 'd told myself for weeks that our wedding night would be such a moving experience for both of us that you 'd suddenly realise you were in love with me , and tell me , and everything would end happily ever after . ’
17 That might sound a ludicrous attempt to escape paying for a colour TV licence , but he obviously thought it was worth a try .
18 Some railwayman must have opened the doors , perhaps sensing he was in trouble .
19 She was n't naïve enough to think he was in love with her ; nor did she think she was in love with him — or not very much — but the thought of that strong body and craggy face , of grey eyes that could be either icily remote or filled with humour , made her tremble .
20 You know , so they obviously think it 's like the floor in the house you know .
21 On performances I personally think we are worth more than the 2 pts per game average .
22 And it was n't because you suddenly remembered you were in love with another man , because you 're not the kind of girl who plays away from home .
23 As always our Treasurer 's final figures remind me of many people , incidents , and stories , and I only wish it was within my power to convey all these now .
24 But the more the revival got under way , the more it responded to Rome 's own ethos , the less accommodating it was in regard to the values of either Protestantism or modern secular , liberal society .
25 How long had they been in Orkney ?
26 ‘ How long had you been at the Jenner Clinic ? ’
27 how long had you been in the police force ?
28 How long had it been like this , untouched by people , gradually decaying and changing with the wind and the weather ?
29 Even if there never will be any easy answers to such questions , and certainly not ones which could be read off from some kind of ‘ correct analysis ’ , it is still the case that the better informed we are about the complexities which underlie them the quicker we will be able to learn from our mistakes .
30 How long have they been on you ?
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