Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She had no idea how exhausted she would be , how lethargic , and she opened her eyes slowly to find him watching her , his breathing still ragged .
2 ( 128 ) Other women — they only made me love you more .
3 She did so want him to kiss her .
4 ‘ I can only think she decided she could not marry Fabien after all , but could not bear to tell him so either .
5 She did n't like Mr Evans , no one could , but Nick hating him so much made her dislike him less .
6 Did her excitement at the way the evidence fitted together mean she wanted it to be true ?
7 But now she suddenly realised it fitted him like a glove .
8 There was every possible opportunity and we discussed it ; he was keen but not importunate , which naturally made me love him more and be more inclined to give him what he was so sweetly not insisting on , but something held me back .
9 It did not displease him ; she would make him a suitable wife , and would know her place when , as he hoped still , he had elevated his position enough to enable him to support her .
10 It did not displease him ; she would make him a suitable wife , and would know her place when , as he hoped still , he had elevated his position enough to enable him to support her .
11 ‘ But I began this without any hope whatsoever of winning the one thing I wanted above all others because I thought it was already given , and what I took in compensation merely made me want it more and resent its absence , because I kept loving you more and more .
12 So d' ya think it 'll be quite good then ?
13 So d' you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I 've got back early ?
14 Boro 's crowd gave their local boy a warm welcome , so warm it burned him off .
15 Better let him tell you about it , ’ Robins advised .
16 It will all depend how long has he owed them it .
17 The good lady thought that he was shy , and constantly twitted him to bring him into the talk ; Paul hoped that she would get over it as the days passed , and this proved to be the case .
18 erm and ask them you know and say , and if they want two years , say well you know I 'm pretty keen on this , now what , you know I necessarily expect you to have me
19 How long d' you reckon we 've got while your mum 's round there ? ’
20 I only want you to know I understand . ’
21 So has it has it gone out of your account ?
22 They just drive round perhaps driving it parking it up and having a walk
23 She darted a look at Niall 's profile , only to find him studying her in a way she found oddly disturbing .
24 And much better you have it from the start .
25 Oh well she 's obviously decided she likes it .
26 I do n't know why he 's suddenly decided he wants me off the team … ’
27 Then he said , ‘ If they would only show they feel they need us . ’
28 So you I mean do you so do you do you go to jumble sales at all or ?
29 ‘ Now it 's great to be going back there in a successful side — I only hope they give me a good reception . ’
30 She just knew she had to see the woman who held Timothy 's heart and perhaps persuade her to set him free .
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