Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [n mass] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 How could that so alter the sperm he produces that his sons would resemble him ?
2 For an hour they flew a repetitive zig-zag from their base to the Front and back , until Callaghan 's neck was stiff and his eyes ached ; but when he suddenly spotted an aircraft he wanted to shout the news .
3 I 'd rather had the people I can survive with one person , one person down
4 You 're right Eileen it , you could have really bad luck and have all four children with P K U or you could have really good luck and none of them have P K U , or you could have half and half , that 's just an example , with each successive pregnancy you stand a one in four chance , those are all the possibilities , but like throwing the dice it comes up at random .
5 This view is supported by the behaviour of members of Israeli kibbutzim who very rarely marry the people they have grown up with ( Spiro , 1958 ; Talmon , 1964 ; Shepher , 1971 ) .
6 Wallace Beery , one of the most beloved ( by the public ) actors of the silent screen and early talkies , often antagonized the people he worked with .
7 If the Government wo n't believe us when we tell them the truth , maybe they will now believe the people they paid to give them this report .
8 The world will not stop still , and economic depression and even national economic collapse ( so regularly forecast by the doom-mongers ) will not alter the nature of the educational challenge , though it may drastically affect the means we have to employ to face up to our challenges .
9 She had never been to Hereford before , had never even met the people they were going to visit and — being just four years old and as yet unable to read — could never have learnt about the district from a book .
10 They should let us get out of church and then get the people they want instead of grabbing the person they want right in the middle of the church and carrying them out .
11 The reader is always aware that although he knows and mostly likes the people he is writing about , he is not necessarily taken in by their ideas .
12 He told Richardson that a Dutch gentleman had given him Frageria chiloensis , a native strawberry from the Spanish West Indies , but although Miller had not yet seen the fruit he quoted A. F. Frézier who ‘ in his Voyages says it grows as big as a pullet 's egg … a great rarity ’ .
13 If the nature of the risk is displayed as in Figure 6.10 , corporate management is explicitly given the data it needs for evaluation .
14 If the nature of the risk is displayed as in Figure 6.10 , corporate management is explicitly given the data it needs for evaluation .
15 The year before , I had never seen the mink I was filming return without an eel , usually within 15 minutes .
16 They 've never seen the people they phone them every week saying do you want a fifty pound advert in a paper which is dumped the next day .
17 For some reason , perhaps because they had heard it together , she equated that girl with the dead girl in her mind and thought that if bombers could actually see the people they were going to kill , see that they were young and beautiful and full of hope , they might not do what they did .
18 There is something in that actually charging a percent it gives you an option that you could do something which would mean that the option was n't cancelled .
19 Bruce , 47 , said she happily accepted the £125 he paid her for furniture , china and jewellery .
20 In his analysis , Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc and Intel Corp were out for blood , DEC and Compaq Computer Corp started eating their own children and ‘ the press , in a striking example of pack journalism , turned vicious , ’ playing up all the bad stuff — most notably MIPS ' financial distress — never mentioning the $50m it has in the bank — though see page three for MIPS ' disastrous results .
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