Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [that] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She felt guilty , but she could say with a clear conscience that her business was so demanding that she hardly had time to think of Northumberland although , in truth , as her successes and problems in Italy had increased , there seemed less and less reason to return to Nora .
2 I suddenly realised that she really did n't want to lose me .
3 I suddenly realised that I actually knew how to use a library .
4 Suddenly realising that she no longer had their attention , and that they were both listening to a woman 's voice loudly exclaiming from outside , she lamely tailed off .
5 It was obviously old , but so corroded that it almost fell to pieces in my hand .
6 It can not be too highly stressed that nobody else can exercise your subject/class choice but you .
7 Only say that you still love me . ’
8 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
9 The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans , only to discover that they also had no water with them .
10 No doubt you are among the many who have tried every diet around only to find that they just did n't work .
11 I began to feel myself being pulled further and further under the water , I screamed and swore but nobody seemed to hear or believe me and then my head went under and all I remember is a feeling of despair as I squeezed the tree trunk only to find that it simply crumbled in my hands .
12 In many higher insects the maxillae are so greatly modified that they no longer retain any evidences of their primitive structure .
13 Before the worst was over and the pound began to depreciate again , some twenty per cent of them had gone for ever , and a further ten per cent were so weakened that they too shut down in the next two years .
14 The only bureau to ‘ fail ’ our test was The Last Word — we can only assume that someone simply had a brainstorm and left all the important bits out .
15 The glass is so smeared that it hardly counts as a reflective surface .
16 The Labour party should be pleased about that , but , because those industries are its old power base , it naturally regrets that it no longer has trade union members coming from that source .
17 I am cynical enough to suspect that it probably happens , and it vividly illustrates the point about equipment improving while its net effectiveness stands still ( and its costs increase ) .
18 She felt a change , felt it as though she overheard a secret , and now , sipping at her delicious cocoa , she could only suspect that something really nasty was coming next .
19 As for Vivian ( Lord ) Bowden I can only report that he once offered me a job in what was to become UMIST and was particularly accommodating when I asked for time to think about it .
20 Theda decided , so relieved that she barely took in the poor quality of his attire , thinking only that the delay must have been made more acceptable to him by a lengthy sojourn in the tap-room .
21 You can make pleas for extra schemes but if you do so I could only suggest that you also accompany it with one that you would rather er is not done , so there are actually replacements rather than additions .
22 We can only hope that their soon to be announced UK distributor is as helpful in sorting out these little problems .
23 His face was an arrangement of harsh lines so discouraging that she almost lost her nerve and backed out .
24 I do so hope that you never fall prey to any of the crippling diseases within our society because maybe then you will come to appreciate the need for these experiments .
25 ‘ I would be delighted to design the flowers for your wedding … | ’ The daydream was so engrossing that she almost did n't see the man and the girl struggling on the pavement opposite .
26 Currently fed by a saline stream and limited snow-melt , its salinity , dominated by calcium chloride , is about 13 times that of sea water , and high enough to ensure that it seldom if ever freezes .
27 And I , foolish man , felt so rebuffed that I hardly ever tried to go through the barriers .
28 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
29 On the one hand , there will be those whose belief in the concept is so definite and so fixed that they almost allow it to rule their lives .
30 It did not take long to realise that what really worried Mrs Baran was Franziska 's relationship with her husband , although : ‘ … from the way in which Mr Baran talked about Franzi I did not at all get the impression that there is any reason for Mrs Baran to be jealous ’ .
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